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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Sorsha Khitikian

Sorsha Khitikian is an Opinion Writer at the Tufts Daily. Sorsha is a Sophomore studying History, Civics Studies, and Clinical Psychology, and can be reached at

Thanksgiving Mourning.jpg

Should Thanksgiving be a day of mourning?

Since 1970, Indigenous people and their allies have gathered in Plymouth, Mass. on the fourth Thursday of November. This day, also the federal holiday of Thanksgiving, is known there by another name: National Day of Mourning. Those in Plymouth hear speeches, hold a protest and mourn for the millions of Indigenous people who died due to the genocidal tactics of European settlers.


Your ballot is biased, and it’s your fault

When I was eight years old, I accompanied my grandpa (Papa) to the polls for the 2012 general election. This was the first time I ever “voted.” I remember watching him get his ballot, and going with him into the voting booth. He had a list with him of the candidates he wanted to vote for. However, once he got to the local elections, he started asking me which name looked better. Whichever name I said, he voted for.


Indigenous Peoples’ Day serves as a reminder that Tufts should be comfortable being uncomfortable

In a meeting about Indigenous Peoples’ Day a couple of weeks ago, I introduced myself, saying, “Hi, my name is Sorsha Khitikian, and I am Yurok, which is located in modern-day California.” After the meeting, I was approached by one of my Indigenous peers, who told me that my use of the word “modern” was problematic. As they explained, the word implies that my Indigenous culture is stuck in the past, contributing to the problem of cultural erasure. My culture is modern, and I can make sure it isn’t forgotten through my word choices as an Indigenous voice. You know what? They’re exactly right.

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