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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, March 28, 2025

Sarah Zheng

The Setonian

Letter from the Editor

Dear members of the Tufts community,This semester has been one with many ups and downs, both at Tufts and on the Daily. As our current managing board, made up entirely of graduating seniors, prepare to enter the real world, we look back on the legacy that we have helped build at this paper. We have ...

The Setonian

Letter from the Editor

To members of the Tufts community,On Mar. 11, the Tufts Daily published the news article “At least four sexual misconduct cases occur in uphill dorms over one weekend.” The story detailed four different incidents that had allegedly occurred in on-campus dorms within residential Area 1 and Area ...

The Setonian

Letter from the Editor

Welcome back to the Hill, Tufts! We hope all of you have had a restorative holiday and are ready for the semester ahead of us. I am so excited to spend my last semester at Tufts with the Daily, working alongside tireless and brilliant individuals, many of whom spent winter break working on projects ...

The Setonian

Visiting the Hill this week

MONDAY"Synaptic Scholars Fireside Chat Series: Pedagogy in the Natural Sciences"Details: Joshua Kritzer, professor in the Department of Chemistry, and David Hammer, professor in the Department of Education, will speak about effective and innovative teaching methods in the natural sciences ...

The Setonian

Visiting the Hill this week

MONDAY"An Evening with Temple Grandin: My Life with Animals"Details: Dr. Temple Grandin, a professor of animal science and lecturer on autism and humane animal handling, will be giving a talk about the role that animals have had on her life and work. Grandin is also an author, activist ...

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