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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sarah Kaplan


Funding Our Future: Freed of guilt, free to travel

I often feel paralyzed by money when I’m on campus. As a first-year, I’m on the Premium Meal Plan which allows me to eat all of my meals in the dining halls. I have $75 in my JumboCash account each semester which is just enough to do my laundry. But what about exploring Boston? What about all the ...


Funding Our Future: Feasible fitness

In my first few columns, I have focused on several areas where Tufts can improve its student financial accessibility: need-sensitive admissions, meal swipe donations, tiered housing and laundry costs. This week, I want to bring attention to a topic that is already in the process of positive change: ...


Funding Our Future: Watching JumboCash wash away

With every load of laundry, Jumbos see at least $3 wash away. Tufts does not subsidize student laundry costs, leaving students to front their own cash for clean clothes. Having undergraduates pay for their laundry is problematic, not only because it discourages students from washing their clothes but ...


Funding Our Future: The Tufts pyramid scheme

Tiered housing is a hot topic on campus; that’s not news to anyone at Tufts. Before Tufts adopted the system this past fall, it had been widely criticized by organizations like the Tufts Housing League as inherently unjust. Since the policy’s adoption, it has been written about, debated and discussed.Just ...


Funding Our Future: Swipe it only so far forward

My stomach panged with hunger, but it was only hour 12. I distracted myself with exactly what any other 18-year-old would have: the endless world of Facebook. As I scrolled through my feed, I discovered a link to a Tufts online form allowing me to donate some of my meal swipes. I had never seen this ...

The Setonian

Funding Our Future: Need-blind admissions

As Tufts’ tuition is one of the most expensive among its peer institutions, according to a Tufts University 2018–19 Fact Book, and its institutional priorities must be oriented toward us, the students. Welcome to Funding Our Future, my weekly column to explore various facets of financial accessibility ...

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