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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Monday, March 17, 2025

Nick Giurleo

The Setonian

Letter to the Editor

In the Daily’s Thursday article, “Medford passes Welcoming City Ordinance,” Medford City Councilor Justin Tseng praises the city’s euphemistically-named Welcoming City Ordinance. In the councilor’s own words, “This is essentially sanctuary city legislation.” His ...

The Setonian

Op-ed: Keeping Medford affordable: The need to vote ‘No’ on Questions 6, 7 and 8

This election day Medford residents will vote on three ballot questions determining the future affordability of the city. If the referenda are approved, the City of Medford will be authorized to assess an additional $7.5 million in property taxes and fund an estimated $30 million bond for a new fire station. While these issues, at first glance, may seem distant from the everyday struggles of the average Tufts student, trying to keep up with courses and navigate the social rollercoaster of college, approval of Questions 6, 7 and 8 will have a direct impact on them and the community in which they live.

The Setonian

In defense of keeping the ‘Columbus’ in Columbus Day

 As a kid most of us can remember hearing at one point or another: “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” Younger students of 2016 and beyond, however, might find themselves remembering Columbus in a more negative light as a mass murderer in the likes of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. While ...

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