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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, September 20, 2024


The Setonian

Editorial: Sackler exposé brings Tufts to the hot seat

A recent Esquire exposé that rocked the Internet revealed the Tufts’ Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences has indirectly profited from thousands of opioid-induced deaths.The Sackler family, champions of art and philanthropy, are also behind the success of OxyContin, a leading painkiller ...


Op-Ed: Tufts history

During tours and first-year orientations, we all get the standard introduction to Tufts history and lore, mostly regarding the legend of Jumbo and his tail. If the guide is feeling particularly deep, they will recite Charles Tufts’ famous line when asked what he would do with “that bleak hill over ...

The Setonian

Looking out: 1938 — the end of history

How you are taught history shapes the way you understand the world. For most of us, there is no choice about how we learn history, like what is included in our curriculum and what is not. In Turkey, history education is part of the national curriculum that everyone needs to study, and there are very ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: Why Rihanna is the celebrity brand name

Celebrities are the people we know and love, the leading examples of excellence and success in their fields. We all have favorite singers, performers, Olympic medalists, award-winning actors and dedicated philanthropists. These are the names we grew up with and read in the news. These names sell in ...

The Setonian

Murphy's Law: Understanding income inequality

On Oct. 23, Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund, posted an article to LinkedIn titled “Our Biggest Economic, Social and Political Issue The Two Economies: The Top 40% and the Bottom 60%.” In it, he breaks down the differing economic conditions of those ...

The Setonian

P.S. …: Is "Me Too" enough?

I, like most women I imagine, could say “me too” about several instances. These range from being groped by strangers, to street harassment, to assault, to discovering that a high school teacher and mentor was a sexual predator once I had graduated. And therein lies an important message — sexual ...

The Setonian

Op-ed: Let’s make a statement in Virginia!

Nov. 8, 2016 was a moment of reckoning for me, as it must have been for many others. I watched, slack-jawed and dumbfounded, as Donald Trump was elected to the highest office in American politics. Instantly, the world seemed to be a much darker and less promising place than the one I had known only ...

The Setonian

Bored & Confused: Am I an elitist?

At Tufts, students seem to despise the wealthy classes, striking down anything that represents power, aristocracy or elitism. Tufts students think of themselves as above the elitist nature one would find at, say, Harvard. We’re down to earth. We don’t sell out to Wall Street. We’re quirky. However, ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: The room where it happened

I was lucky enough to see "Hamilton: An American Musical" in Los Angeles this summer. The now cult-classic story of the inner workings of our fledgling country is an inspiring tale of ambition and revolution. Its “shout-outs” to women and immigrants, moments that saw the most applause ...

The Setonian

Looking Out: The discontents of universal basic income

Over the past few years, as the facts of the automation revolution dawns on many involved in creating it, there has been increased talk of a universal basic income (UBI) coming out of Silicon Valley. This new discourse on UBI has been a favorite topic of many tech billionaires from Elon Musk to Mark ...