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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, September 20, 2024


The Setonian

Letter to the editor

Content warning: This letter discusses sexual harassment.Dear Editor:I am writing to you and your readers in the hope that I might be able to be a little helpful and supportive. When I was a 25-year-old college student back in the 1970s, I was very badly sexually harassed for a long time by a female ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: When the end justifies the means

Hi Fletcher,Before this op-ed makes you think I read Infowars at breakfast and fall asleep to the dulcet tones of Sean Hannity, let me introduce myself. I am a left-leaning Democrat. I voted for Obama and Hillary. I protested at Mar-a-Lago. I am Fox News’ archetypal coastal elite. However, I am dismayed ...

The Setonian

Looking out: Investigation

There has been a movement in Robert Mueller's investigation recently that is moving the focus away from Russia and toward Turkey. In March 2016, Reza Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian businessman, was arrested in the United States. The charges mainly concerned evading the U.S. sanctions on Iran by using ...

The Setonian

Murphy's Law: Tufts Secrets: The Ring of Gyges

Tufts has always been a campus of strong views and outspoken opinions, yet during my time here, those thoughts have traditionally been expressed publicly, with the speaker held accountable for their discourse. However, the recently popular Facebook page “Tufts Secrets” is beginning to show signs ...

The Setonian

P.S. ...: Experience: An Infinite Regress

Like most college seniors, one of my deepest, most pathetic fears is the idea of graduating jobless and unemployable. When searching for jobs, there are several recommended steps — have a good resume, make it clean and organized and somewhat worth reading and have said resume include good other jobs ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: Why Tufts needs to divest now more than ever

Fiji is a small island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. It has a population of slightly under a million people. And in 20 to 30 years, it may no longer exist. For this reason, Fiji has sponsored COP23, the 23rd annual international conference addressing global climate change held in Bonn, ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: In support for relocation of Asian American housing

The Asian American House (Start House) has been the site of many of my happy memories at Tufts. During the three semesters I lived in the house, my housemates became some of my closest friends. I met new people in the Asian/Asian American community just by hanging out in the House. I learned new things ...

The Setonian

Looking in: Making it explicit

Bias and discrimination against immigrants exist in the United States. This is not a controversial statement. The same situation exists in the United Kingdom. When I arrived in the United Kingdom on a student visa, just as I had to the United States, I expected no difference. “Random searches” if ...

The Setonian

Editorial: The importance of long-awaited housing reforms

The vast majority of Tufts students have dealt first-hand with the inefficiencies and frustration that pervade the Tufts housing system. If you are a first-year, you will have to wait until well into spring semester to find out where and with whom you are living. If you are applying for group housing, ...

The Setonian

Murphy's Law: Death and taxes

Three things in life are certain: death, taxes and the fact that Paul Ryan doesn't get taxes. Republicans and Democrats alike will lie about the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, and our media will confuse and poorly explain it. Decoding the proposal is quite simple: it is a spiteful bill, designed to take ...