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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, September 20, 2024


The Setonian

Looking Out: Education beyond employment

Does education pay? The doubtless answer from decades of research says yes. Holding a high school degree leads to higher earnings, and a college degree even more so. Even with the oscillating trends of unemployment among the college-educated, the education premium is unmistakably real. The more puzzling ...

The Setonian

Anita's Angle: The case for idealism

During a time that has been called the “most peaceful era in human history,” millions of people continue to suffer throughout the world from what I believe to be preventable afflictions. We already produce enough food to feed the world’s approximately 795 million malnourished individuals. Wars ...

The Setonian

The 617: Local journalism

The Medford Transcript is a local paper that highlights all that goes on in the nearby vicinity. Tufts' surrounding area has much more to it than some fun restaurants on Boston Avenue. Local politics from the perspective of the local paper gives Tufts' students insight about what happens ...

The Setonian

Red Star: Organize and fight!

Four facts: the police killed over a thousand people in the United States last year, just as they did in 2016 and 2015;most terrorist attacks are carried out by the far-right; the FBI found that white supremacist groups have infiltrated many police departments; and neo-Nazis and fascists are building ...

The Setonian

Looking Out: The Teflon prime minister

Benjamin Netanyahu, or Bibi for short, is not going anywhere. This week, Israeli police chiefs recommended an indictment for corruption charges. While this may sound like good news for the weakened Israeli left and to Bibi-haters everywhere, don’t hold your breath. There will be neither breaking ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Tufts Secrets, Barstool and abusing anonymity

Tufts prides itself on its inclusive community, in which students can study, socialize and coexist on one campus. Many students proudly tout progressive world views, advocating for the rights of people of color, members of the LGBT community, women and other marginalized groups. So why are Tufts students, ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: If at first you don't succeed

In his first State of the Union address, President Trump signaled his intent to bring welfare reform back to the forefront of the American policy debate. “We can lift our citizens from welfare to work, from dependence to independence, and from poverty to prosperity,” President Trump proclaimed. ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: TUPD brings 'Deadly Exchange' to Tufts

The predictable silence of a quiet street at two o’clock in the morning was broken when an armored SWAT vehicle arrived on the block. Without a search warrant, the SWAT team broke into a house, threw flash grenades into a child’s playpen, and changed a family’s life forever.This story from Cornelia, ...

The Setonian

Red Star: Elect your boss

A measure of the health of a society is not the opulence of its rulers but the fairness of its social relations. America is terminally ill.I worked at a restaurant where one of the managers threatened us with a box cutter and used abuse and humiliation to force people to work longer hours at tasks they ...