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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, September 20, 2024


The Setonian

The 617: MA Criminal Justice Bill

Governor Charlie Baker signed a new bill on criminal justice into law on Friday, April 13. In it, minor offenses are decriminalized, minor offenses are diverted from prosecution and bail is reduced. Importantly, mandatory minimums for non-opiate, non-weight retail drug offenses are repealed or limited. ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: A return to referenda

On Thursday, April 26, Tufts undergraduate students will have an opportunity to vote on a referendum that will amend the TCU Senate constitution to allow students more of a say in Senate resolutions. Implementation of this amendment will allow for a change in the process through which the student body’s ...

The Setonian

Red Star: Who are the workers?

To understand politics, particularly the failure of liberal identity politics, we need to understand the working class.Those who work for a wage and many who work for a salary are the working class, including industrial, service and agricultural workers.The working class is the base of society. There ...

The Setonian

Looking Out: Snap

All of a sudden, the rug is pulled out from underneath us.Turkey is once again headed to the ballot box in exactly two months.Erdoğan made the decision to call snap elections to get ahead of the strengthening center-right and worsening economy.What is Turkey facing?The usual numbers: Erdoğan’s ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: Why I rely on Rapfogel

Adam’s friends, myself included, have urged Adam to quit Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate many times. It’s sometimes done as a joke to see how he’ll react. Other times, it’s out of selfishness because we want to spend more time with him. The demand is typically made in awe after watching him ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: Jacqueline Chen for TCU President

I have about five weeks left of my Tufts career before I will move on to greener and hopefully significantly flatter pastures, but before I go, I want to express why the Tufts student body should elect Jacqueline Chen as their next Tufts Community Union (TCU) President on April 26.I will be the first ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: In defense of the Confucius Institute

Let me start this by saying that I am inherently very biased. The Confucius Institute at the University of Minnesota (CIUMN)played a major part in my high school Chinese program’s development, and without the CIUMN I don’t know if I would be studying Chinese today – and studying Chinese has played ...

The Setonian

To our readers

I would like to formally apologize to the black students of the Tufts community for a column I wrote on Tuesday. Writing in a newspaper is a responsibility, and I have had the privilege to do so for three semesters. However, in my writing recently, I have not always devoted enough time to researching my topics and have sometimes tried to write about pieces that I have limited knowledge on. This isn’t an excuse, and as a senior I am disappointed in myself for not putting more thought into my writing. I should have acted and written differently, and I’m extremely sorry to everyone who was offended by my writing. I want to thank you for all of your criticism and honest opinions. It has offered me a chance to reflect and reconsider how I can better communicate going forward.

The Setonian

The 617: Congressional Races

2018 is the year Democrats are aiming to "flip the House." With all 435 House of Representatives seats up for re-election, it’s the perfect opportunity for Democrats to garner support against President Trump and secure the House. With Republican leaders like Speaker of the House Paul Ryan ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Tufts needs a space to discuss masculinity

In the wake of the #MeToo movement’s recent explosion, a wave of empowerment, excitement and exhaustion has swept the nation. As women’s and other marginalized voices are amplified, anxieties have risen to public consciousness: How, in this time of feminist reckoning to raise a boy; how to determine ...

The Setonian

Red Star: Empire of the Rich

America is an evil power whose aggression, dishonesty and barbarity are almost without equal. But the cruelty of killing approximately half a million Iraqis, orstrangling the Nicaraguan revolution in its crib, doesn’t tell us why these things happen.Evil isn’t an explanation.From Honduras and ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: Visions of Peace

Too often we feel pressured to come to a decision. Especially at Tufts, and most especially when faced with something as controversial and divisive as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The violence does not end while we argue over who has rightful claim to the land, who was there first, or whether Israel ...

The Setonian

Looking Out: Face to Face

At a tour of the First Peoples gallery in the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), the guide explained, using these words, that the First People owned all of what is now Canada before the settlers did. Today’s Canada, while it has been going in a positive direction, still has a lot of truths to face and apologies ...