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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, September 20, 2024


The Setonian

Op/Ed: Where's the Inquiry?

On August 15, the Jewish News Syndicate published an article exposing a new class offered this Fall titled “Colonizing Palestine." The course description blatantly states that students "will address crucial questions relating to ... the Israeli state which illegally occupies Palestine.” ...

The Setonian

Letter from the Editor

As I prepared to start this semester, and to take the helm of The Tufts Daily, I won’t deny I was nervous. I was concerned that I would not be able balance the weight of a nearly 40-year-old-daily publication, a staff of around 200 and a commitment to paint an accurate and representative portrait ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: The Housing Shortage: Can We Fix It?

Tufts announced in April that they have given acceptance offerers to 3,140 applicants.While a large percentage of these students will choose to attend other schools, admissions officers estimate that 1,435 new Jumbos will start their first year this September which would make the class of 2022 the ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: A new (or lost) Tufts ethos

I’m hardly the one to reminisce, and don’t think I’ve ever been the “school spirit” type. In fact, I’m a bit notorious for not stepping foot on campus since my sophomore spring — save my classes, don’t worry mom. But as of late, I’ve found myself fondly revisiting some of my earliest ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: Greek life: A year in review

The 2017–2018 academic year saw Greek life at Tufts make strong progress through ups and downs as it continued to push forward on its mission of being a more productive part of our community. Greek organizations worked hard throughout the year, undergoing hours of training, reforms to new member ...

The Setonian

Anita’s Angle: Startups, a Millennial myth

Earlier this month, I went to watch my best friend pitch her non-profit startup at Harvard's 2018 President’s Innovation Challenge. Of the fifteen competition finalists, only two teams were entirely composed of undergraduates. This surprised me — at a top school with no shortage of young talent, ...

The Setonian

Red Star: The privatization of suffering

Depression can have a social origin. As communist commentator Mark Fisher wrote, “mental illnesses are neurologically instantiated, but this says nothing about their causation.” Many illnesses, but particularly depression and anxiety, have causes in people’s lives, their communities and their ...

The Setonian

Anita's Angle: No paper, no problems

One year when I was in high school, my school ran out of paper. Our principal appeared on the morning announcements and urged us all to refrain from printing assignments in the school library and encouraged teachers to send homework electronically. This absurd scenario lasted for weeks, but to my peers ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: Tufts should commit to 100 percent renewable energy

Climate change is sometimes called a “public policy problem from hell.” The science proving that greenhouse gases produced by human activity are warming our climate is undeniable, yet here in the U.S., these dire warnings haven’t translated into policies that will protect us. In fact, at the federal ...