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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Thursday, September 19, 2024


The Setonian

Spaceship Earth: Two Minutes to Midnight

In 1947, artist Martyl Langsdorf designed the Doomsday Clock to demonstrate how close mankind was to global catastrophe as a result of the newly designed nuclear bomb. At its creation, it was set at seven minutes to midnight, with midnight representing catastrophe. Since then, members of the Bulletin ...

The Setonian

Repeal and Replace: The Confucius Institute

Dear fellow students,Tufts University has an incredibly good track record for critical world-class thought and academic freedom. I’m afraid we may tarnish that if we continue our association with the Confucius Institute, an organization run by the government of the People’s Republic of China ostensibly ...

The Setonian

Peripheries: Women's Day

March 8, now marked as International Women’s Day, is a day of celebration in America, with motifs such as celebrating the increased proportion of female CEOs. However, this day did not begin as a celebratory one. The first Women’s Day celebration took place in May 1908, when the U.S. Socialist ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: A call to reject Birthright

On my recent trip to Israel, I noticed a 400-foot mural spanning the length of a major corridor in Ben Gurion Airport. Titled “120 Years of Zionism,” the mural depicts the story of Israel from the first Zionist Congress at the end of the 19th century up to the present day. What the mural does not ...

The Setonian

America is dying: America's aging population

It seems that when healthcare is advertised, markets gravitate towards billboards of children, adolescents and young adults. This marketing strategy ignores a large portion of the United States: the elderly. The baby boomer generation is now approaching retirement age, so what exactly does that mean ...

The Setonian

Spaceship Earth: The bottom deck of a sinking ship

When thinking about the Titanic, images of drowning and loss spring to mind; however, this was not the fate of all those aboard the ship. In fact, more than half of the wealthy people on board survived the shipwreck, and lived on to tell their stories. While 61 percent of first-class passengers survived, only ...

The Setonian

Editorial: How to make dining more accessible

During a meeting Feb. 19, the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate met to hear a resolution regarding Tufts Dining. Some of the changes it proposed include extending the dining halls’ hours of operation, expanding dining uphill and including more options for halal- and kosher-observing students. We ...

The Setonian

Editorial: We need a living wage for students

For many students, working on campus is a necessity. Students rely on campus jobs to cover the costs of student life, including tuition, fees, textbook costs, food and personal expenses. Tufts is long overdue in raising the student minimum wage. The wage for Tufts students is set at the current Massachusetts ...

The Setonian

Repeal and Replace: Tufts Dining price gouging

Dear fellow students,There is something audaciously wrong with Tufts Dining. The organization feels emboldened and entitled to mistreat dining workers and price gouge Tufts students. As dining workers prepare to vote on a strike this week, I wish them luck and hope the university will finally make the ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: How migration alters gender dynamics

Migration has the capacity to provide labor and education opportunities that can alter gender dynamics and shift power within families and societies. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), gender identity and the societal implications of gender “significantly affect all aspects ...

The Setonian

Spaceship Earth: The positives of being carbon-negative

With protests and public opinion on climate change finally rising to impactful levels, the goals of these movements need to be defined. As we prepare ourselves for the oncoming conflict, defining what “fighting climate change” really means becomes critical for the creation of a movement with a clear ...