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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Thursday, September 19, 2024


The Setonian

Spaceship Earth: A climate conversation

As a way to get to know us, the writers, and gain some insight into the minds of two different organizers, we thought a conversation would be a fun way to cover some interesting and under-discussed territory.Noah Mills (NM): You just came off of being a great contributor to putting together the climate ...

The Setonian

Girl Online: The Downside of Positivity Culture

You see them everywhere. Those little journals that have you write down the answer to "one question a day" for five years or "something you did that made you happy." Or books telling you how to always be in good spirits when everything might not be going so great. Or Instagram accounts ...

The Setonian

Looking for life, destroying life: Dracunculiasis

Dracunculiasis is Latin for “affliction with little dragons." This parasitic infection, more commonly known as Guinea-worm disease, is contracted when a human drinks water contaminated with copepods (water fleas) that contain worm larvae. Usually, the infected person remains asymptomatic for ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Diversity

It doesn’t take long for someone to bring up diversity, especially at Tufts. But what might seem like a universally understood and accepted idea, at least along party lines, is actually more complicated than one might expect. Is Tufts diverse enough? Are we seeking out the right type of diversity? ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Reparations

The early American economy, and the foundation for modern American life, was built in large part on the backs of African slaves. Today, there still exists a sizeable wealth gap in the U.S. between white families and black families. According to the Federal Reserve’s data, the median net worth of a ...

The Setonian

Spaceship Earth: The climate costs of war

The United States has a war problem. Post 9/11, it has been in a state of endless war. This campaign is deadly and has many consequences, from thousands of civilian deaths, like the 30 pine nut farm workers who were recently killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan to pumping the air full of greenhouse ...

The Setonian

Girl Online: FOMO in our lives

We’ve all been there. It’s a normal night and you’re just by yourself, not doing anything special, then you check your phone and pull up Instagram or Snapchat and ... BAM! You’re flooded with photos and videos of some event that everyone seems to be attending: except for you. You get that sinking ...

The Setonian

Looking for life, destroying life: Kibera

Destitution, in the most extreme sense, may seem abstract — perhaps even intangible. But the implications of social inequity are concrete, and they translate into serious, often overlooked, health repercussions for a select few, namely poor people.The air in Kibera is dusty and vaguely smells of gasoline. ...

The Setonian

Power to the polls: National Voter Registration Day 2019

Last Friday, young people showed up by the thousands to demand better treatment of our planet at the Global Climate Strike. In early 2017, young women across the country marched for themselves, their sisters and their mothers. Parkland teens encouraged high schoolers across the nation to demand more ...