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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Thursday, September 19, 2024


The Setonian

Looking for Life, Destroying Life: We need more Farmers

As the end of the semester approaches, I finish up my column “Looking for Life, Destroying Life.” The title, as mentioned in my first column, originates from a famous Haitian proverb. It refers to a woman selling mangoes to make a living. In doing so, she falls off her mango truck and dies. When ...


Editorial: New Year's resolutions for Tufts, part 1

The semester is coming to a close, with only one week of classes remaining. This change in scenery comes as a reset button that provides an opportunity for reflection, change and improvement in the form of New Year’s resolutions. Whatever your personal resolutions may be, the Daily would like to put ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Encryption

As the technological revolution rumbles along, society is continually challenged by new legal and ethical questions. In 2016, the FBI wanted the California tech giant Apple to provide a backdoor bypass through iPhone security to aide in the investigation of the 2015 San Bernardino shooting. The case ...


Editorial: Tufts must act to achieve gender pay parity

A Nov. 12, 2019, article in the Daily reported that the net wage gap between male and female professors has expanded.These findings emerged from a 2018–19 study by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), which reveals that full-time female professors at Tufts get paid, on average, ...

The Setonian

Spaceship Earth: Whose views: part 2

In a continuation of our previous column, two more politicians’ political platforms in relation to the Green New Deal will be discussed. Two weeks ago, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were compared, and now Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg’s platforms will be thrown into the mix. We know this campus ...

The Setonian

Girl Online: The loss of the like

If you haven’t already heard, Instagram has been rolling out the act of hiding likes on the platform, an action that the app has already taken in other countries but was met with pushback in the United States. This doesn’t mean that likes will be disappearing forever; they will only be visible to ...

The Setonian

Looking for life, destroying life: Turning poop into water

You’ve probably heard of the software tycoon Bill Gates before: Harvard dropout, co-founder of Microsoft, one of the richest people in the world. But to me, some of Gates’ biggest contributions to the world stem from his philanthropy. Bill Gates and his equally incredible partner Melinda Gates are ...

The Setonian

Gray Areas Matter: Socioeconomic diversity at Tufts

It’s no secret that Tufts has a particularly wealthy student body. According to data from The New York Times, the median family income at Tufts is an astounding $224,800, placing the average student comfortably in the top 15% of the nation’s demographic, and the student body itself in 10th place ...

The Setonian

Editorial: Massachusetts should rethink misguided vape ban

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Bakerinitiated a four-month ban on all vaping products on Sept. 24, which was hailed by some as a swift response to an emerging public health crisis and decried by others as reactionary and damaging to small businesses in the state. Yesterday, the Massachusetts State House ...

The Setonian

Letter to the Editor: Dorothy Meaney

To the Editor,The lead editorial on Monday, Nov. 4, “Study-area weekend hours should match weekday hours,” caught our attention in Tisch Library. Study space and library open hours are ongoing areas of evaluation for us. We appreciate the perspective reflected in the piece.There are over 7,000 students ...

The Setonian

Girl Online: Doing things for the ‘Gram

The fall of my senior year of high school, pictures taken at the Museum of Ice Cream took over each and every one of my social media feeds. With cutesy inspirational sayings, colorful backdrops and picture-perfect lighting at all moments, how could they not? Tickets to this experience would be sold ...