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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Thursday, September 19, 2024



Funding Our Future: The Tufts pyramid scheme

Tiered housing is a hot topic on campus; that’s not news to anyone at Tufts. Before Tufts adopted the system this past fall, it had been widely criticized by organizations like the Tufts Housing League as inherently unjust. Since the policy’s adoption, it has been written about, debated and discussed.Just ...

The Setonian

Shades of Gray: Indoctrination versus education

The thing I remember most from the day after the 2016 presidential election, Nov. 9, is my first-period class. Instead of awkwardly pushing through the usual daily routine, my 10th grade chemistry teacher asked us to sit in a circle and invited us to share gut reactions. What still strikes me is how ...


Funding Our Future: Swipe it only so far forward

My stomach panged with hunger, but it was only hour 12. I distracted myself with exactly what any other 18-year-old would have: the endless world of Facebook. As I scrolled through my feed, I discovered a link to a Tufts online form allowing me to donate some of my meal swipes. I had never seen this ...

The Setonian

Shades of Gray: Kobe Bryant and how to remember our fallen heroes

When Kobe Bryant passed away on Jan. 26, along with his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven others in a helicopter accident, it seemed as if the whole world was mourning. In the hours, days and even weeks following his death, social media platforms were flooded with posts paying tribute — painting ...

The Setonian

Letter from the Editor in Chief

You may have already heard me say it, but I’m going to say it again: I think of the Tufts Daily as a small town newspaper. This description says a lot about what the Daily means to me and the Tufts community, and as the 40th anniversary approaches this month, I hope you join me and the rest of our ...

The Setonian

Primary Colors: New Hampshire Primary

Most early states in the presidential nominating contest have their own special institutions: the Iowa state fair, Jim Clyburn’s South Carolina fish fry and the Dixville Notch midnight vote in northern New Hampshire. But on Saturday night, Democratic presidential candidates, their supporters and prominent ...

The Setonian

2020 Vision: Iowa reporting fiasco

After months of anticipation, Iowans caucused in school gyms, churches and union halls on a freezing Monday evening, officially kicking off the 2020 presidential contest. As I watched the coverage of the antiquated form of ‘voting’ that somehow persists in Iowa, I was not filled with interest or ...

The Setonian

Funding Our Future: Need-blind admissions

As Tufts’ tuition is one of the most expensive among its peer institutions, according to a Tufts University 2018–19 Fact Book, and its institutional priorities must be oriented toward us, the students. Welcome to Funding Our Future, my weekly column to explore various facets of financial accessibility ...

The Setonian

Shades of Gray: Separating art from artist

We’ve all done it: listened to a Chris Brown classic, rapped along to R. Kelly’s “Ignition” (2002) or watched a Harvey Weinstein masterpiece, thinking “I know he’s a bad person and did __ but this [song/art/movie] is just so good!”Pop culture is, it seems, incessantly plagued by the recurring ...

The Setonian

Op-ed: Pete's choice

Editor's note: This article has been updated for clarity and to include portions that were left out in the print edition.Barack Obama was our first black president. A number of black critics, ranging from Ben Carson to Cornel West, believed that President Obama wasn’t black enough — he spent ...

The Setonian

Primary Colors: Gary Hart’s heir apparent

As the sun was setting and the skies remained gray in Bow, N.H., I turned on to a long road, riddled with cars covered in bumper stickers such as “Protect Our Care” and “Bennet for America.”As I turned the corner into the living room, I saw at least 50 voters captivated by Senator Michael Bennet ...