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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Thursday, September 19, 2024


The Setonian

Op-ed: Can a Jewish candidate win?

Disclaimer: Hannah Kahn is a former executive opinion editor and executive audio editor at the Daily.If you’re waiting for a critique of Bernie Sanders or Mike Bloomberg, you can stop reading. As someone who believes that healthcare is a human right, and that the wealth gaps in this country are disgusting, ...


Primary Colors: Dear establishment, you might be too late

To say that the Democratic “establishment” is nervous about a Sanders nomination is a wild understatement. For the first time in American history, one presidential candidate has won the popular vote in the first three nominating contests. That candidate is the septuagenarian, Jewish Brooklynite-turned-GreenMountain ...

The Setonian

Op-Ed: Support survivors

Correction: A previous version of this article misattributed the authorship of this piece. The co-authorship was misattributed to Leah Muskin-Pierret, when in fact it was co-authored by Leila Skinner. The article has been updated to reflect this change. The Daily regrets this error.Content warning: ...

The Setonian

2020 Vision: What is electability?

If one word were to sum up the tension of the 2020 Democratic primary race, it would have to be “electability.” Beating Donald Trump in the general election is forefront in the minds of democratic voters. Ever since the beginning of the race, discussions about the candidates' platforms have ...


Funding Our Future: Watching JumboCash wash away

With every load of laundry, Jumbos see at least $3 wash away. Tufts does not subsidize student laundry costs, leaving students to front their own cash for clean clothes. Having undergraduates pay for their laundry is problematic, not only because it discourages students from washing their clothes but ...

The Setonian

Letter to the Editor: Daily's growth mirrors Tufts

The origin of the Daily mirrors the growth, development and regeneration of the Tufts community and campus itself. The paper was founded in the aftermath of its precursor (a paid subscription nightly newsletter) going defunct. Just as that newsletter was deficient to students’ needs on campus, the ...

The Setonian

Letter to the Editor: Congratulations!

Forty years! Hard to believe that much time has passed – and that much newsprint has rolled through the presses – since the first thin issue of the Tufts Daily landed in the dining halls and dorm lobbies of Tufts University. Having been there at the paper’s birth midway through my sophomore year ...

The Setonian

Letter to the Editor: Daily exemplifies good journalism

Thanks to the Tufts Daily, I barely graduated. My GPA looked like a typo. But when I interviewed for jobs, no one cared: They just couldn’t believe what we had done with the resources we had. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was a damn miracle.I’ve since worked in national news and I keep ...

The Setonian

Letter to the Editor: The Daily kept pace with media changes

The Daily started at a time before CNN, before the Internet,before social media, when print media was central to our culture. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the print edition was the main way people on campus got their news, including both campus and national news, and set the pace for student and ...

The Setonian

Letter to the Editor: The importance of humor

Forty. That is how many cartoons I’ve pitched. All forty of them (except for a few that didn’t make it to print, perhaps considered a bit too depraved) fill my room like a walk-in archive. Cartooning gives me the freedom to conflate the serious with the trivial, rendering the serious as more or ...

The Setonian

Letter to the Editor: The value of the Daily

My school day does not start without The Daily. The blinding smell of ink and the feel of feather-paper against my fingertips are familiar friends. A copy is always close by. I’ll argue with my peers about leads, raise my eyebrows at three-star reviews and quote columns at lunch. So much can happen ...

The Setonian

Letter to the Editor: Take time to reflect

The Daily abides. This auspicious anniversary affords an opportunity to stumble down memory lane and dredge up those early days. But truth be told, after four decades I still cannot see a nugget of sweet and sour chicken without being transported to the basement of Curtis Hall to recall those many nights ...

The Setonian

Primary Colors: Pete’s test

In the final months of 2019, media narratives describing the presidential primaries were consistent and simple: Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were battling to be the progressive standard bearer taking on the Goliath moderate former Vice President Joe Biden, who was being distantly trailed ...

The Setonian

2020 Vision: Calm before the storm

After the New Hampshire primary, the Democratic primary election is approaching a significant tipping point in Nevada, South Carolina and on Super Tuesday. After these contests, the race will likely have a distinct frontrunner, and some candidates may drop out if they fare too poorly.Currently, there ...