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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Wednesday, September 18, 2024


The Setonian

The Countdown: What we can learn from Trump’s diagnosis

This tone-deaf behavior extends beyond Trump — from America’s billionaires vastly expanding their empires or mega yacht owners fleeing to the open ocean, I can only hope the President’s diagnosis teaches our ruling class just how indiscriminately dangerous this virus can be.

The Setonian

Editorial: Tufts Dining workers deserve better

Dining hall workers are essential and valued members of our community, and they are entitled to safe and fair working conditions. As Tufts Dining adapts to the conditions of the pandemic, it must also prioritize the health and well-being of its workers. As members of the Tufts community, we must continue to stand in solidarity with dining staff members and urge administrators to meet their concerns and needs.

The Setonian

Sobremesa: We must do more to transform the criminal justice system

In Spanish, Sobremesa is a word that describes the time before and after a meal when people spend time catching up. I chose this title because while Sobremesa is a hallmark of Hispanic culture, this word has no direct English translation, illustrating the tendency of the American culture to skip over meaningful, casual discussion. Each week, Sobremesa will be a place to come to open your eyes to a social justice issue that you may want to bring to your own dining table.

The Setonian

Op-ed: Student organizations and the Tufts administration must be more inclusive of remote international students

When studying remotely, many international students, myself included, have agreed to bypass some aspects of social life at Tufts and to make sacrifices to get the most out of the semester academically. However, it remains the duty of our peers and the Tufts administration to make accommodations to support us and keep us integrated within the community. They have not done so.

The Setonian

The Countdown: Time to panic

Trump will forever alter the court and every aspect of the United States. Barrett is 48 years old. She will most likely sit on the court until I am a grandfather. It is impossible to understate how wildly corrupted this process is, and just how impactful she could be.

The Setonian

Op-ed: Do you hear the people sing (and play wind instruments)?

Tufts students are smart. They are more than willing to make sacrifices in order to protect their health and the health of those around them. However, they also recognize nonsense. No one is expecting the concert choir to convene this semester, but exceptions should be made to allow students to sing in the privacy of their own rooms. 

The Setonian

Op-ed: An open letter to the Tufts community concerning student mental health

Dear University President Anthony Monaco, Provost and Senior Vice President Nadine Aubry, Dean of the School of Engineering Jianmin Qu, Dean of Student Affairs Camille Lizarríbar, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences James Glaser, Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Robert Cook, Associate Provost and Chief Diversity Officer Rob Mack and members of the Tufts community,


Editorial: Welcome back, Tufts

Whether you are a returning student, new to Tufts, in-person or remote, welcome back, and welcome home. This semester will be a time of readjustment and uncertainty; we begin school against the backdrop of a pandemic and institutional change. It is evermore important that as a community, we remain united, resilient and critical of the world around us. This fall The Tufts Daily remains committed to this mission, using our platform to cultivate conversations about issues impacting our community and spurring our administration to take action.