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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Monday, September 16, 2024



Democracy in The Daily: Saving the Republican Party

Our electoral system is set up for a two-party democracy. Formation of a new center-right party would never work — in fact, it would solidify the rule of the Democratic Party. As a believer in democracy, I offer the following advice to Republicans across the aisle to save their party and maintain U.S. democracy.

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Op-ed: The United States must put an end to human rights abuses in China

The government’s nationalistic vision has led to the genocide of the Uyghurs, an ethnic minority native to Xinjiang, and religious persecution in Tibet. The United States has been a bystander in both affairs for too long, afraid to unhinge its relationship with China. This behavior from a nation as powerful as the United States is unjustifiable. 


Building Blocks: Pledge to participate

The cornerstone of our democracy rests on voter turnout. In order to represent the true desires of the American people, we must pull from the largest sample possible. This is simply impossible unless we can increase the number of Americans who are motivated on the basis of political efficacy to share their opinion.


The Honeymoon Period: Biden's fall from grace

To his credit, Biden promptly made a good-faith, constructive effort to bridge the party’s divides by forming a series of task forces consisting of elected officials, policy thinkers and activists from both the moderate and progressive wings. But the events of last week may have caused irreparable rifts within the party.


Daily Week Senior Profile: Deeksha Bathini

She quickly found that she enjoyed writing for Opinion as an editorialist, and that the topics she covered influenced other areas of her life. One of Bathini’s favorite pieces involved her coverage of the first-year experience at Tufts. Writing this article was actually partially what inspired her to become a resident assistant.  


Tufts must step up, become a leader in climate action

When thinking about our futures, we must consider whether it is even ethical to have children in a world with increasingly hostile environments and overburdened resources. Tufts must understand that this issue is not simply important to students — it is existential.


The Strike Zone: Why nuclear weapons are good for peace

It may sound counterintuitive, but nuclear weaponry has been crucial in preventing major warfare since World War II. The threat of mutually assured nuclear destruction deters countries from engaging in total interstate wars and gives countries incentive to strengthen international institutions through arms control treaties and collective security measures.


Building blocks: Classroom to cell

We must begin by creating new disciplinary policies within our schools. Rather than excessive suspensions and expulsions, we must create educational, empathetic avenues that give students the room to grow as individuals.