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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, September 7, 2024


The Setonian

Michael Goetzman | Spotlight

Aflannel-sporting, all-'90s-era hip-hop-music-knowing, depression-recovering English grad student lopes across campus three days a week. Walking with purposeful, elongated steps, Geoff prides himself on his English-teacher-in-the-making style: tanned loafers, slacks that are a bit too big, a loosely fitting maroon-colored oxford and a tattered leather briefcase-bag slung across his chest, bumping gently against his thigh as he strides by with his thermos always in hand -- tea, of course; he scoffs at coffee.

The Setonian

JoeyTracker to receive update

The GPS unit that tracks the Davis Square shuttle, commonly known as the Joey, has broken down and will receive an update, according to Tufts Community Union (TCU) Treasurer Matt Shapanka. The Joey takes its nickname from the company, Joseph's Limousine and Transportation, that provides the bus.

The Setonian

SHOC combats red tape by educating students

It's that time of the year. Sinus infections and the flu cause a widespread dearth in class attendance across college campuses and numerous students flock to their universities' health service offices seeking treatment for their ailments. Unfortunately for many, the seemingly simple process of getting a check-up is easier said than done.

The Setonian

CSL to hold open meeting today on amendments

The Committee on Student Life (CSL) will conduct an open meeting today to allow members of the community to weigh in on two proposals that may change the rules governing community representative seats on the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate.

The Setonian

Ideas considered at TCU forum on recovered funds

Students and members of the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate gathered at Hotung Café yesterday for the second of two town-hall forums concerning how the Senate should allocate funds recovered from the embezzlement scandal.

The Setonian

Tufts' internationalism: Origins and Implications

Tufts students are used to hearing references to Tufts' expansive international community -- The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy's lofty reputation coupled with a 14-percent international undergraduate student body make for a geographically diverse campus. But few people question how Tufts actually came to receive such a reputation, and why such students choose to come to a school thousands of miles away from home.

The Setonian

Resolution connects credits to Don't Ask, Don't Tell

A Tufts Community Union (TCU) senator has introduced a resolution calling for the university to award credit for military training courses at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, suggesting that the administration might be boycotting a discriminatory policy at the expense of students.

The Setonian

Doling out the dough

The TCU Senate will lead a town-hall meeting tonight where students and senators can debate how to spend the $689,775.75 in disposable recovered funds from the embezzlement scandal. TCU President Duncan Pickard informed the Daily last night of the 13 options that members of the community have come up with. These ideas will provide the basis for tonight's discussion, although Pickard said that if other ideas crop up, senators will be receptive to them, as well.

The Setonian

Dining halls make some students go 'nuts'

Friends and food seem to make an apt combination in a Tufts dining hall. A toppings-ridden Sunday Sundae and a few simple cookies often best complement a Dewick table conversation. For the students at Tufts that face serious food allergies, however, this combination may turn out not to be so pleasant.

The Setonian

Research moves from the page to the screen

In coming years, "libraries are likely to move away from mainly printed materials — books, journals and manuscripts — to become digital repositories," according to an April 2008 article in London's the Guardian Newspaper.

The Setonian

Community to discuss recovered funds

The Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate will hold a forum in Hotung Café today where students can give their opinions on how to use the money recovered from the embezzlement scandal.

The Setonian

Ally Gimbel | When kiwis fly

Over the past few months living in New Zealand, I have learned that the best way to consume the local culture is to, well, eat it. As mom always told me, "You never know until you taste it."

The Setonian

TCU senator wants retroactive-removal process for grades

Tufts Community Union Senator Toby Bonthrone is pressing the administration to institute a policy that would allow students who were suffering from untreated conditions but were unaware of them to drop previous semesters' grades.

The Setonian

ETS exploits soon-to-be grads' 'real world' fears; presents grad school as 'backup plan'

The Educational Testing Service (ETS), administers of the SAT, GRE, AP and TOEFL exams, recently released a new advertisement. It features a picture of a 20-something-year-old hip African-American woman sitting by a tree with three thought bubbles protruding from her bald head. In them lie three taglines: "Start an online company," "Join the Peace Corps," "Go for my masters." All are clearly meant to answer the question, "Not sure what you're doing next?" which lines the top of the advertisement.