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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Thursday, September 19, 2024


The Setonian

Romy Oltuski | Word Up

It was in kindergarten that I made the mistake of joining the Pen 15 Club. My induction was relatively harmless — I was offered membership by a fellow classmate, accepted the invitation with excitement and arranged to have the club's name tattooed onto the back of my hand in thick Sharpie marker later that afternoon. But alas, it was too good to be true; when spoken aloud, the club was advertised to me clearly as "Pen 15," but scribbled in semi-permanence on my skin it read — unmistakably — "penis."

The Setonian

Emily Maretsky | Nice Shoes, Let's Date

During sophomore year, I was briefly involved with a guy that my friends affectionately still call "Sketchy Mike." I had just gone out on a good first date with him, and when I returned to Bush Hall later that that evening, I excitedly recounted our dinner to my friends.

The Setonian

Pub night free of problems, class council says

 The first Senior Pub Night of this semester, held Thursday night at Hurricane O'Reilly's, was a success, according to C.J. Mourning, the Senior Class Council's vice president of social programming.

The Setonian

Musician demonstrates Latin American music

Héctor Martínez Morales yesterday gave a presentation on traditional Latin American music. He sang and also played and explained a number of different instruments. The event, "La música del folklore latinoamericano," was sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages, Toupin-Bolwell Fund, the Department of Music, the Latin American Studies Program, the Latino Studies Program and the Latino Center.

The Setonian

Norman critiques financial industry

Professor of Economics George Norman last evening warned that the recent bank collapses could occur again due to persisting structural problems in the financial industry.

The Setonian

Fletcher School event promotes culture of peace

The International Law Society (ILS) at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy today kicks off a week−long capstone event intended to facilitate conversation on how to promote a culture of peace.

The Setonian

Ben Kochman | Between the Slices

I  would like to preface what I am about to say with the fact that — albeit with a few exceptions of course — I really do like Danish people. Danish culture has many admirable qualities. Forbes consistently ranks Denmark as one of the best countries for business in the world; plus their pastries are consistently mind-blowing. And while I know that this might be a little provocative, I firmly believe that Jan "Big Mag" Magnussen is the greatest F1 racer of all time.

The Setonian

Tufts sexual assault policy under scrutiny

Data from the U.S. Department of Justice revealed that sexual assault cases at 10 surveyed New England universities and colleges, including Tufts, have hardly ever resulted in severe sanctions for perpetrators.

The Setonian

Senate exhausts buffer funds for the year

The Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate has spent all of the money in its buffer fund, the portion of its budget that is spent on unexpected costs. Groups seeking Senate funding will have to wait until the fall semester to seek financial backing.

The Setonian

Jessie Borkan | College Is As College Does

After reading two Harvard students' brilliant exposé on our campus two weeks ago (just Google it — Harvard Crimson + Tufts) and a few complaints that my column is not, in fact, journalism, I decided to do some hard-hitting, investigative journalism of my own. Harvard seemed like the perfect place to begin my journey into the fourth estate. I had heard that it boasted several large buildings, each just brimming with students who have the power to speak so highly of themselves in conversation that they, like the Crimson's recent journalistic masterpiece, leave you full of hope and wonder — wondering if they could have possibly been serious, and hoping that you were just unwittingly part of some misguided, self-deprecating and poorly executed joke.

The Setonian

Romy Oltuski | Word Up

Not a dedicated "South Park" fan, I often find myself standing idly by as my friends engage in the classic American pastime of quoting lines and jokes from the Comedy Central series, most of which I do not understand and, frankly, do not find funny. However, one friend recently mentioned (i.e. recited word for word) an episode that hit close to home.