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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Thursday, September 19, 2024



Tales from the T: The cooler Green Line

The Mattapan trolley, known to its friends as the M Line and to its mother as the Ashmont-Mattapan High Speed Line, is quite the quirky (insert sparkle emoji) little line. Shuttling between Ashmont and Mattapan, it’s part of the Red Line, but runs streetcars (trolleys) instead of subway trains. And these aren’t the Green Line’s modern streetcars, but PCC streetcars, a revolutionary 1930s-era model whose innovative, reliable engineering made it a mainstay on streetcar lines across the globe. 


Students reflect on pro-democracy activism, virtual studies from Myanmar

One of the cliches of our day is that we live in “unprecedented times.” However, for Tufts students currently located in Myanmar, this expression may not capture the essence of the history that is currently unfolding in the country. The times are extraordinary, but according to sophomore Ingyin Khine, who is currently residing in Yangon, they are not necessarily unprecedented.


Coffee Talk: Dewick MacPhie Dining Center

In wake of the pandemic, Dewick has undergone some changes. Some of the things I miss the most include the cereal section, the toast and panini bar, the soft serve machine and of course, Sundae Sundays. However, some changes that the dining hall has implemented have been pretty fun. Here are some of my favorite things from Dewick.

The Setonian

In Photos: Local eats

Dear Class of 2025: Congratulations on your admission to Tufts! One thing that you'll learn during your first year of  college: Dining hall food can get old fast. The Photo section of The Tufts Daily has put together a list of some of our favorite eateries near Tufts' Medford/Somerville campus to help expand your culinary horizons.


Student organizations build community for female-identifying students in STEM

Though being a woman in challenging and often male-dominated STEM fields can be difficult, Lazar, Melcher, Scott and Banerjee have found that Tufts is generally a supportive environment that has encouraged their love of STEM. The prevalence of female students in STEM subjects, as well as female professors, increases the students' sense of community and belonging.


Athletes of Color builds community, pushes for change within Tufts athletics

In their effort to work with the athletics department, members of Athletes of Color have compiled a list of 13 action items. Among other efforts, these items aim to push the department to amplify the club's work, implement more regular anti-racist and diversity, equity and inclusion trainings and maintain transparency in the department’s hiring practices regarding staff who are people of color. 

The Setonian

Tuff Talks: Prospective students

Dear J: Tufts is one of the schools to which I was accepted. I enjoyed the campus tour but I'm unsure about what decision to make. I hear a lot of rumors about every school. And as for Tufts, I've heard especially about the quirky culture and whatnot. Is it true? Will I fit in?


Religious groups creatively embrace community this spring holiday season

At this time last year, most Tufts religious and philosophical student organizations did not do any holiday programming, as students had just recently been sent home due to the COVID-19 pandemic and were still adjusting to virtual platforms such as Zoom. The story is much different this year, however, as students and staff have had a year to learn and adapt to both virtual and socially distant gatherings, and are unable to travel home to celebrate due to Tufts' travel policy.


Coffee Talk: Cafe Luna

While I was feeling quite safe eating at Cafe Luna, I was also very excited about the menu. As a huge fan of sweet breakfasts, I was immediately drawn to the waffles, french toast and pancakes. Among this section of the menu were Nutella stuffed with strawberries waffles, caramelized bananas and pecans french toast and pancakes topped with cookie butter. The menu also had all the breakfast classics.


Virtual Tufts Energy Conference brings increased diversity in speakers, participants

The conference, which was centered on the theme of tipping points, had panels on a variety of topics ranging from renewable energy alternatives to environmental policy in the European Union and China. Due to its online nature, the conference had a broader audience than in previous years because participants could join via their laptops rather than having to travel to Tufts for a three-day conference.


Transferable Skills: Happy people aren't grateful — it's the other way around

Whether you are a future CEO or a stereotypical slacker, whether you have a trust fund or live paycheck to paycheck, whether you are a brilliant performer or a shy mathematician, it all starts with your relationship with yourself. Because the way you judge yourself will also be the way you judge others. The way you are resilient with your own emotions will be the way you are resilient in uncertain environments. The way you love yourself will open you up to being loved, and loving someone else.


Tufts students work to ease social isolation of older adults during the pandemic

Advocates for Quality Aging, a Tufts' student group that provides geriatric volunteer opportunities targeted at pre-health students, began in fall 2020 as a health care blog featuring interviews with geriatric health care providers, social workers and others in the industry. Founder Paul Ly wanted to give pre-health students at Tufts an idea of what life was like for those serving the geriatric community.

The Setonian

Tuff Talks: Exercising and bulking

Finding time to work out with school work, clubs and whatever else you have going on is a struggle for so many students. I think the start is the hardest, but getting past that is super important because exercising will make you feel so much more productive and less lazy. It can definitely help motivate you to be better in other parts of your life. 


Anthro Talks: Urbanization and urban periphery tension

Autoconstruction's constriction of Sao Paulo citizens into poor, peripheral neighborhoods, politicized the citizens and altered their notion of rights. Insurgent citizenships emerged from cramped confinements of unbearable slum peripheries, helping Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who also rose from autoconstruction peripheries, to secure the presidential victory for the Workers’ Party in 2002. His election demonstrated how, in three decades, the working class had amassed enough support to fight against Brazil’s maintenance of exclusive and unequal citizenships.


Tufts, surrounding communities rally support for Danish Pastry House

Providing a laid-back study environment, warm and welcoming service and of course, tasty food to enjoy with friends, Danish Pastry House on Boston Avenue has become a staple of the Tufts experience. Yet, after experiencing a kitchen fire in January 2020 and then observing the enforcement of COVID-19 regulations in the following months, DPH has had a difficult year.


Coffee Talk: Blackbird Doughnuts

Blackbird has multiple locations throughout Boston, including one in Harvard Square. So, if you’re looking for an excuse to leave campus (in a socially distanced way, of course), go grab a doughnut from Blackbird! In addition to the classic doughnuts that it offers year-round, its March menu includes flavors such as mint chocolate chip, tiramisu and Irish soda bread, among others. Seriously, these doughnuts put Dunkin’s to shame.


Transferable Skills: There's no midway point

Life is messy and nonlinear. Life occurs where ambiguous thoughts fluctuate, vulnerable situations emerge and authentic growth is hard. Life contains suffering, a part of what makes life special. I’ve struggled for many years (and still do) with these themes of ambiguity, vulnerability and authenticity. But they are, in my opinion, ingredients to a life well-lived.