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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, September 7, 2024


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Dreamworks: The playwright

Please put your phones on silent, keep talking to a minimum and enjoy the show… Today we will be talking with acclaimed playwright Joshua Harmon, the creator of the new Broadway show “A Prayer for the French Republic.”


Ruminations from Rabat: On ‘Morocco time’

When first I arrived in Rabat I was warned about “Morocco time,” which is used to describe the common Moroccan habit of always being late or doing things last minute. Many cultures have similar reputations of tardiness as a result of their collective easygoing attitude. Morocco, however, is different; behind “Morocco time” is a very specific culture of care and intentionality.  


A concert 43 years in the making: What goes into pulling off Spring Fling?

Spring Fling, Tufts’ annual outdoor concert, will take place on Sat., April 20 this year. The prefinals celebration was first created in 1980 thanks to a surplus in the Tufts Community Union Senate budget that year. In its inaugural year, Spring Fling included a picnic, a concert, a 10k race and seminars. Since then, the annual event has evolved into a staple of campus life.


Cutting through the red tape of accessibility at Tufts, Part 2

When people hear the word “accessibility,” they often associate it with ramps, elevators and parking spots. While these are helpful aids to people with physical disabilities, the often overlooked issue, especially on a college campus, comes in the form of academic accessibility. One would think that Tufts as an institution of higher education would make academic accessibility a top priority within its classrooms. However, that is not always the case.


Tufts’ institutional approach to DEIJ on campus

In the wake of recent Supreme Court rulings impacting affirmative action, Tufts University finds itself at a pivotal juncture. As legal constraints reshape admissions procedures, the necessity to foster diversity and inclusion on campus is incredibly pressing. A previous article covered the repercussions of these court rulings, spotlighting Tufts’ commitment to a holistic admissions approach. This article will discuss Tufts’ mission as an institution to foster diversity and inclusion across campus for matriculated students.


Cover My Treks: God’s humble abode

The legacy of mankind is distilled into the grand architectural wonders constructed by the many nameless, through the passing of seasons and dynasties. In the grand course of history, religion seems to be the resilient constant that triumphs over the transience of human regimes. My lack of religious affiliation doesn’t keep me from marveling at the grandiosity of the architecture, unfazed by the unstoppable currents of time.


Dorms, Dishes and Delicacies: Richardson House

You know that feeling when you’re expecting something to be great, but then it’s just okay? “Pitch Perfect 3,” iced coffee from Dunkin’ and waking up early to ‘feel productive’ are a few let downs that come to mind. Unfortunately, last night as I cooked up some pesto pasta, I determined that the kitchen in Richardson House must be added to this disappointing list.


The Derby Entrepreneurship Center: Bringing innovation to Tufts

Entrepreneurship. For many, the word prompts an ominous connotation. An image comes to mind of tense individuals traversing a seemingly endless pathway to the “Shark Tank,” flanked on both sides by creatures of the deep blue sea. The entrepreneurs are then placed in front of five vicious, ready-to-bite veterans of the business world who then judge their company down to its barest bones.


CIRCLE and students share their thoughts on voting and the upcoming 2024 election cycle

You can feel it in the air: a national election is approaching. The political rhetoric is intensifying, campaign ads are beginning and the primary season is in full swing. But how does a national election translate to the Tufts campus? The campus ecosystem surrounding elections is broad, featuring everything from individual student perspectives to student run political clubs to political research organizations. 

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Weekly Wellness: On being the ‘almond friend’

In recent conversations with some of my close friends, it has come to my attention that I have been dubbed the “almond friend.” A play on the popularized caricature of the “almond mom” on social media, the almond friend shares a similar obsession with health and fitness to these moms, who often project their extreme health habits onto their children.

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A Jumbo’s Journey: The penultimate mile

“Life is getting pretty real,” one of my friends said as I was attempting to peacefully eat my Hodge bowl in the hallway. When we sensually locked eyes, his pupils were filled with anxiety, nerves and worries. It wasn’t until later that night when I was staring at the ceiling of my dark, lonely single when I realized that life is, actually, getting real.


Dorms, Dishes and Delicacies: Home!

This past weekend, I made the long and grueling journey all the way back to the Motherland. In other words, I comfortably slept on the Amtrak for 2 ½ to go home for the weekend. Even though I already had a special spring break edition for last week’s kitchen write-up, I knew I had to seize the opportunity to cook in my very own home kitchen as a nod to my culinary roots.

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T Time: Spring in Central Square

This past Sunday, I woke up early, hopped on the T, and spent my morning strolling around Central Square and the surrounding neighborhoods. For those interested in visiting, you can take the Red Line from Davis Square and reach your destination within 20 minutes.


Everything you need to know about how Tufts helps with prison reentry — and how you can help too

In movies, the process of someone being incarcerated often gets more attention than how they return to society. The entry to prison is often portrayed as a rugged odyssey, while the reentry to society is simply reduced to someone walking out the prison gates, to a car with a friend waiting. So what does reentry actually look like? And how has Tufts assisted with that process?Since 1994, federal Pell Grants (government funding that helps students pay for college) have been barred for incarcerated college students. This year, however, they are being reinstated for approved programs like the Tufts University Prison Initiative (TUPIT), which offers higher education in prison and will now be able to access this financial support.


Ruminations from Rabat: The month of caring and sharing

Last Monday night Moroccan officials caught the first glimpse of the crescent moon, marking the beginning of Ramadan: the holy month of Islam in which Muslims abstain from eating and drinking until sunset. The beginning of Ramadan coincided with my spring break, meaning I was not able to experience the first few days of Ramadan in Morocco. But between watching the city frantically prepare for the holiday and returning to a new environment, completely immersed in the Ramadan spirit, I can now say that I’ve experienced the unique ethos of Ramadan in Morocco.


The career, times and legacy of Dean Glaser

The role of a dean at a prestigious university is perhaps surprisingly akin to the role of a politician. “Being a dean is a very political job. … Politics is who gets what, when, where and how. And deans are responsible for allocating the ‘whats’ to the various ‘whos,’ whether they’re faculty or students or alumni or staff,” Dean James Glaser, the current dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, said. 

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GC in DC: Tales From the Swamp: Confessions of a museum junkie

As one of the main cultural hubs on the eastern seaboard, Washington, D.C. fosters a strong intellectual culture of discovery through its museums. As Tufts students, we’re spoiled with fairly easy access to incredible museums in Somerville, Cambridge, Boston and the outskirts of Massachusetts through the T.


Cutting through the red tape of accessibility at Tufts, Part 1

On the day that sophomore Grace Acton broke her foot, she found herself crutching down Memorial Steps when going from her class in Braker, a building with no elevator, to Kindlevan, the closest dining option. She took her normal route, which able-bodied students normally take. However, with her new temporary disability and lack of knowledge about closed side paths in the winter and accessible transport, Acton had to hop with her crutches in one hand and use her other hand to hold onto the railing.