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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, September 7, 2024

Opinion | Editorial


Editorial: Well-rounded education requires diversified curricula

At Tufts, like many other predominantly white institutions, curricula often center around the Eurocentric perspectives of Westerners — particularly white men — narrowing the worldview to which students are exposed. Not only does this reality undermine Tufts’ liberal arts foundation of exposing students to a wide array of subjects, it also fails to prepare students for civic stewardship in which they directly engage with the effects of patriarchy, colonialism and racism.

The Setonian

Editorial: Tufts should never return to requiring standardized tests

When the three-year window of the test-optional policy elapses, the university will have a critical decision to make: Tufts can either bring back its standardized testing requirement, making future generations go through the same process that current Tufts students endured, or it can repeat the process used to admit the Class of 2025, which saw the most diverse applicant pool in the university’s history.


Editorial: RAs have spoken, now Tufts must listen

One common struggle, among the myriad that RAs have faced this year, has been social isolation. In the fall, RAs were unique among students on campus in that they were typically considered "cohorts of one" rather than members of larger residential cohorts like most students; the end of the cohort system before the spring semester, however, did not spell the end of the social toll that comes with being an RA during a pandemic.


Editorial: To actively fight the opioid crisis, Tufts must advocate for supervised injection sites in Somerville

It is particularly important that our community play an active role in combating this crisis because Tufts itself benefited from the profits made by Purdue Pharma. As the Sackler family faced criticism for its marketing tactics, its members tried to build more positive reputations as patrons of museums and universities, including Tufts, which has received roughly $15 million from the family since 1980. 

The Setonian

Editorial: We as a community must combat anti-Asian racism

These acts of violence and hate are unacceptable, as are the ways in which Asian Americans have faced social and legal discrimination for over 150 years. Moving forward, it is urgent that Tufts evaluate how it, as an institution, can better serve the Asian American communities on and off campus. Furthermore, as members of the Tufts community, it is our responsibility to combat anti-Asian racism and foster an inclusive, safe environment.


Editorial: Lessons from a year of crisis

With every day that goes by, it seems less likely that we will ever “return to normal” — any post-pandemic world will be radically different than the one we left behind a year ago. So as we reflect on all that we’ve lost in the past year, we should also take a moment to think about what kind of new “normal” we want to create for the years ahead.

The Setonian

Editorial: To change TUPD, Tufts' words must be followed by action

Tufts' workstream report fails to offer guidance on the status of arming TUPD officers, only recommending the creation of a new working group to revisit the issue. Pushing this off to yet another working group represents an excessive delay, as every day that goes by with armed officers present on campus brings risk of violent escalation in TUPD-student interactions. In light of this, it matters that Tufts take swifter action to create a gun-free campus, and, hopefully, engage in a broader reevaluation of what service TUPD should actually provide.


Editorial: Tufts, here are some New Year's resolutions

As we grapple with this pandemic and an ever-changing world, 2021 will bring obstacles of its own. In making its own resolutions for the new year, Tufts must learn from the valuable lessons this semester presented to our community and commit to preserving compassion, justice and well-being in all university policies.


Editorial: Tufts professors should continue empathetic approach to teaching as semester comes to a close

Faculty can offer flexible due dates and extensions for assignments, defusing some of the pressure on students who may be dealing with difficult personal circumstances. In addition, professors should give students additional opportunities to improve their grades as the semester closes, such as extra credit assignments. Additionally, professors should work to give students a rough estimate of their grades before Dec. 11.


Editorial: TCU crisis illustrates need for participation in student government

Even in normal times, civic engagement in student government elections is essential to enacting real change on campus. Student representatives act as the rapport between the Tufts community and administrators; they voice the change that the student body wants. In addition to its influence on campus, student government also has the potential to influence changes in the surrounding Medford and Somerville communities.


Editorial: Tufts, accommodate students who cannot return home for winter break

It is understandable that Tufts faces considerable restrictions that may prevent them from expanding on-campus housing, including reserving time to clean residence halls and giving Tufts staff well-deserved time off after working for months to keep our community safe. However, by still decreasing on-campus operations and limiting students to designated residential halls, Tufts can address these restrictions while still allowing more students to remain on campus.


Editorial: What the 2020 election taught us

While Biden’s victory may be a step forward, there is still much work to be done; Biden receives a broken nation rife with systemic racism, wealth inequality and political division. Restoration of American trust in democratic institutions will fall upon the upcoming administration.