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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, September 21, 2024


The Setonian

E for Everyone: Rampage Knights

Why should you play "Rampage Knights" (2015)? Because it is arguably the most fun you’ll ever have playing a cooperative roguelike.Inspired by the shiny-eyed, cartoon nightmare that was "The Binding of Isaac" (2011) and the hack-and-slash mechanics of "Golden Axe" (1989), ...

The Setonian

Brands, celebrities capitalize on April Fools' Day

April Fools' Day — once infamous for cling-wrapped toilet seats, toothpaste-filled Oreos and the birth of the Weasley twins — has transformed into a wildly marketable holiday for companies, granting them a free pass to dupe consumers for 'fun' and, you know, money. Even if you didn’t ...


Surprise season premiere of 'Rick and Morty' is rousing success

While some people might have had reason to curse on April Fool’s Day, fans of Adult Swim’s hit TV show “Rick and Morty” (2013-present) had reason to celebrate: the network unexpectedly announced that the premiere of season 3 would be airing that night, with the option to either streaming it ...

The Setonian

On Location: Japan

“Life itself is a proper binge,” Julia Child once famously said. “What are you?" Gordon Ramsay once asked, to which he received the reply, "An idiot sandwich.” Though the two quotes seem incongruous at first, in the 1985 Japanese classic comedy-western “Tampopo,” the Julia Child-esque ...


'Life' is a disappointing copy of 'Alien'

As far as science fiction films go, those that play on the ‘trapped in space’ trope have much to offer, but also much to overcome. Jump-started by Ridley Scott’s 1979 classic “Alien,”this category of sci-fi films typically features characters who are forced to battle disaster, aliens or both, ...


Iconic filmmaker shares wisdom to art students in 'Make Trouble'

What makes a successful commencement speech? Perhaps the most crucial component is the speaker. Usually, the speaker must come from a background that meets the interests of the majority of the graduating class: while an 80-year-old litigator might excite pre-law students, biology majors might end ...


'Chicago' cast prepares to dazzle the audience

“Chicago” may take place in the 1920s, but many of the issues the musical deals with are still relevant today. Torn Ticket II's production of the show, which runs March 30 through April 1 in Cohen Auditorium, will explore sexism, xenophobia and corrupt media -- all issues that have been ...

The Setonian

E for Everyone: Portal

Why should you play "Portal" (2007)? Because it is arguably the most intuitively-designed game ever made. Also because it’s hilarious, absurdly fun, outstandingly satisfying and has a very touching origin story if you’re interested. But there are so many facets of this wonderful little ...


Lady Gaga wows as guest judge in 'RuPaul's Drag Race' season 9 premiere

The ninth season premiere starts off per usual, with the queens entering the workroom. This season, the queens come from all sorts of drag backgrounds, from Vegas show girl (Kimora Black, Farrah Moan) to camp (Jaymes Mansfield). Based on the entrances and the first workroom interactions, two contestants stand out in particular: Nina Bo'nina Brown and Eureka O'Hara.


'Beauty and the Beast' meets expectations set by animated original

Though oftentimes a toss-up, movie remakes have the potential to breathe new life into a film, expanding followings and updating classic or forgotten works. That being said, they can also be dangerous; a bad remake can destroy a film’s reputation and lower audience perception of the original movie. ...

The Setonian

On Location: Chile

It is often said that an overarching sense of anxiety or dread permeates the work of famed writer Joan Didion. For instance, her memoir “The Year of Magical Thinking” (2005) is haunted by the reader’s knowledge of the death of her daughter, which occurred just before its publication. In a similar ...