Dear Defne: Fearful freshman
Fearful Freshman: “I’ve been thinking about transferring and prepared some applications, but I’m not sure if I should submit them or not. How do I know if I’m making the right decision?”
Fearful Freshman: “I’ve been thinking about transferring and prepared some applications, but I’m not sure if I should submit them or not. How do I know if I’m making the right decision?”
Gentle Reader, Welcome back to another Friday on the hill. You have survived the most trying week of the year for the yearning and heart-broken. I hope your week was filled with chocolate and flowers, even if you treated yourself to them. In honor of the national holiday of romance, today we are paying ...
Overly Caffeinated Student: Some of my peers hosted an impromptu intervention and divulged that my caffeine intake is concerning and bordering on an addiction. I suffer from withdrawal headaches if I don’t have caffeine early enough in the morning and I typically require two to three caffeinated ...
Peach: “What do I do if I accidentally gave a 30-year-old guy my phone number because I was too nice to say no? Now I have to avoid this one place that I just became a member of because I don’t want to see him after he texted me.” Dearest Peach, Don’t ever let a man keep you away from somewhere ...
Gentle Reader, Welcome to Hearts on the Hill, a bi-weekly advice column where I answer your questions about all things love, dating, relationships and more. Thanks for being here. Stay a while.
Dear Defne, What should I do as a loveless junior who only has one year left? Sincerely, RR. Dearest RR, Your brain might be stuck on the fact that your peers are slowly disappearing abroad, everyone is graduating soon and it’s time to start dating for marriage. Cast all those doubts aside! You don’t need to be afraid of fleeting time as that’s what makes everything so much sweeter now.
Like me, you may be wondering what exactly will be written about in this biweekly column. Every two weeks, I will make my best effort to provide some semblance of wisdom to a selected prompt provided by you — the community — or general wisdom when I feel like ranting, rambling or reflecting.
At a tier-one research university full of econ bros, political activists and long dining hall lines, The Tufts Daily — that’s us — tries to do the impossible: create a guide that will help you survive four years at Tufts University.
Picture this: You wake up, the sun shines through your blinds and you feel an unnerving sensation tingling in your nostrils. The worst possible feeling has descended upon you — a stuffy nose. As a student, being sick is one of the most irritating inconveniences to your day. It can start with a sniffle or a throat itch, and then BOOM! You’re on bed rest.
I’ve written about sports for four years now. I joined the Daily’s sports section as a freshman, first taking on game recaps as most early writers do. Eventually I edited, wrote features and started this column. I spent a year as a podcaster. Every year at Tufts, through thick and thin, I have always returned to my desk to write about sports. I’ve approached organized sports from every angle. I’ve broken down trades, given fantasy advice, previewed playoffs and even tried my hand at power rankings.
Sophia Grekin (SG): "Can you tell me about something you've overcome?"
Your new white sneakers are demolished from orientation week floors, the pre-orientation group chat is no longer active and you now have a take on the Carm vs. Dewick debate. Now what? Classes are starting and the daunting feeling of four years at Tufts might be creeping up on you. No need to fret; every Tufts student has been there.
Dear J: I recently got into a new relationship with a boy at Tufts. I really like him and it's going well but we only have a couple more weeks together until we go back home for the summer (we live far away from each other). I think the long distance is going to be too hard on us since our relationship is still young. How should we handle it?
Dear J: Tufts is one of the schools to which I was accepted. I enjoyed the campus tour but I'm unsure about what decision to make. I hear a lot of rumors about every school. And as for Tufts, I've heard especially about the quirky culture and whatnot. Is it true? Will I fit in?
Dear J: How can I deepen my communication with new friends without being weird?
Dear J: How will I cope with being home for at least two months and not coming back to campus until February? Also will we even have a spring semester?
Dear J: My mom is a grade-A narcissist. Everything, good or bad, is about her. How do I call out her lies without hurting her feelings or our relationship?
Dear J: My boyfriend smells weird and I don’t know what it is; how do I tell him that he smells peculiar?