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Join Us

Here at the Daily, we pride ourselves on providing a unique experience in the world of journalism. At the smallest independently operated college newspaper in the country, a position at the Daily offers you the freedom to take on a large array of responsibilities. But the Daily is more than just a newspaper; we’re a robust community of writers, editors, artists and creators of all types. Whether you’ve written for your student paper or you’ve only written essays for English class, we would love to have your voice as part of our paper!

If you’d like to get involved:


Read on to learn more about our three departments, and indicate interest in joining one or more sections via our general interest form linked here.


Attend one of our general interest meetings on Jan. 22 at 7:30 p.m. in JCC 076 or on Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in JCC 180.


Attend our open house in the basement of Curtis Hall on Jan. 29 between 7–9 p.m. Come explore our office, meet our executive editors and learn more about our organization. We’ll bring snacks!


Attend our training day a mandatory training event on Feb. 9 between 12 and 2 p.m. DailyCon, our semesterly training and speaking event, is mandatory for all new and returning Daily members, and will be held on Feb. 23 at 12:30 p.m. in Barnum 008.

Fill out our general interest form here

Editorial Department

fall 2023 managing board
Charlene Tsai / The Tufts Daily

At the Daily, we pride ourselves in creating an environment where aspiring journalists can make a name for themselves with published content, regardless of their prior experience. Along with developing important skills in interviewing and writing, an editorial position at the Daily will teach you valuable lessons in organization, leadership and more!

The Daily is divided into seven written editorial sections: News, Features, Arts & Pop Culture, Opinion, Sports, Science and Investigative. Incoming members will begin as contributing writers. As they become more involved at the Daily, editorial members have the opportunity to earn positions as staff writers, assistant editors, editors as well as those on the executive board. 

In addition to our written editorial opportunities, the Daily offers multimedia positions in our Audio, Photo and Video sections.

News Section

The Daily is called a NEWSpaper for a reason: The News section is the heart of the Daily, publishing the most important stories on issues impacting the Tufts community, Medford and Somerville. As a member of the news team, you will gain invaluable reporting experience by covering everything from breaking news to campus protests to live speaker events. In the past, we have interviewed national activists and several politicians, including sitting U.S. senators. Through our rigorous coverage of Medford and Somerville, we help fill the news desert in both cities, providing residents with the information they need about local politics, elections and issues. 

The News section offers a welcoming, lively environment for new writers to learn how to cover and edit important stories, and provides a community for like-minded students to enrich their journalism skills together. There is no experience required; if you are driven to report on our communities, the News section is here to train and support you. If you have any questions or are interested in joining the News section, please reach out to!

Features Section

My name is Dylan Fee, and I’m the Executive Features Editor for spring 2025! Imagine exploring complex stories through interviewing inspiring classmates and professors, covering  prevalent campus issues or writing riveting reviews of local cuisine. You can do all of that and more within the Features section — or as we lovingly call it, “Feats”. We publish long-form narrative journalism that uplifts people, places, trends and events across Tufts’ four campuses and in our surrounding communities. The heart of a good Features piece is human interest. Our articles and regular columns aim to provide a deeper look into all sorts of topics, from fun to serious, by highlighting the voices that matter and reflecting the Daily’s commitment to inclusive and equitable journalism practices. 

Features writers have the opportunity to design pieces that interest them and bring them to life through interviews or personal reflections. We are a kind and caring community that does not require any prior experience, for we will assign you with a mentor to help you write your first article. You can join our section at any point and contribute as much or as little as you like. If you are interested in joining the Features section or have any questions and ideas for us, please reach out to: We cannot wait to have you join the Features family!

Arts & Pop Culture Section

My name is Odessa Gaines and I am the Executive Arts Editor for the Spring 2025 semester! As Arts, we cover a variety of topics, from theater to TV to live music to think pieces and more. We also write about on-campus and greater Boston topics, so if you are interested in covering local groups and performances, there’s a place for you on Arts! There is no experience necessary to join arts, and we welcome new voices, perspectives, and ideas that pushes the section to expand our work. Arts is also a flexible section, so you can contribute as much or as little as you want! Everything you need to know about writing your first article will be taught to you, so if you’re at all interested in joining our (amazing) section, reach out to!

Opinion Section

My name is Gretta Goorno, and I’m the Executive Opinion Editor for spring 2025! The Opinion section, or “Ops,” as it is affectionately known, is a great place to discover and articulate your beliefs about the world around you. Whether you want to examine the politics of Ben & Jerry’s flavors, think that the Green Line should be further extended, or believe that presidential debates are overrated — all real articles from last semester, you can make your voice heard in the Opinion section. In an increasingly divided society, we hope to present an opportunity for a respectful, nuanced exchange of ideas. Our writers can either compose individual viewpoint pieces or explore one topic in depth through a weekly or biweekly column. 

Members of the Tufts community and the broader Medford/Somerville community are encouraged to share their opinions or to respond to an article previously written in our section. If you want to write a piece or join the Opinion section, please reach out to me at

Sports Section

Hi! I’m Max Druckman, the Executive Sports Editor for spring 2025. From the UEFA Champions League to Tufts athletics and everywhere in between, our section covers sports at all levels. If you like reading or writing about sports, joining our section allows you to do just that. Writers can take up beats covering Tufts sports, pen weekly or bi-weekly columns, or pitch any sports-related story. During the fall semester, our columns ranged from “In the Crease” (covering the NHL) to “The Round-off Roundup” (covering gymnastics). Our goal is to build an inclusive and creative team to bring vivid storylines and intelligent analysis of a diverse range of sports to our Tufts community. If you are interested in joining the section or have any questions, please feel free to send me an email at Go ’Bos!

Investigative Section

The investigative team dives deep into sensitive issues affecting the Tufts community. In the past, we’ve covered RA unionization, student protests and campus accessibility. Our projects involve weeks (or even months) of rigorous research, reporting and writing before being published. As a member of I-team, you’ll work with a group of seasoned writers and editors and have the opportunity to collaborate across sections. Investigative reporters generally have a few semesters of Daily experience under their belt, but there’s no hard-and-fast rule. Please reach out to if you’d like to learn more!

Science Section

The Daily’s Science section is a place where STEM writers and Daily readers come together to rejoice in a common passion for learning about innovations, cutting-edge research and other happenings in the world of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Whether you’re a biology major with fingers itching to type about new medicines, wish to report on groundbreaking engineering innovations or would like to get the word out about all of the incredible STEM research happening on campus, boy, are we the perfect fit for you! We welcome students from all levels of experience in the STEM field to pitch and write engaging stories.

We have an amazing team of experienced editors who will help you through the process of writing science for the Daily; again, we deeply encourage you to write for Science regardless of your previous writing experience. Please reach out to to learn more or if you have any questions!

Video Section

We are Jake and Trey, and we’re excited to serve as the Executive Video Editors for spring 2025! The Video section is the perfect place for students looking to explore all facets of video journalism including production, interviewing, and editing. We publish video content ranging from student experiences at Tufts to documentaries, to news reports of events in the greater Boston area. THIS semester specifically, we will be expanding from individual features to more consistent collaborations with the News section. The video section is uniquely flexible, both in terms of commitment and contribution. If you’re passionate about videomaking, or want to collaborate with other sections of the Daily to produce fun multimedia content, shoot us an email at

Photo Section

Hi! We are Rachel Liu and Lia Faynberg, the spring 2025 executive photo editors, and we’re looking for new photographers to join the Daily! The Photo section ensures articles are paired with eye-catching visuals. We also produce original photo stories that grant you the freedom to pursue creative projects and build your portfolio. No camera or previous photojournalism experience is necessary. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to with questions! We look forward to meeting you! 

Audio Section

Hello! My name is Julia Carpi and I am the executive audio editor for spring 2025! The Audio section’s main method of storytelling is through podcasts. We make podcasts related to news, sports, investigation and pretty much everything! No topic is off the table and I’m open to any ideas. If you’ve ever wanted to host a podcast with your friends, the audio section is the place to do it!

Outside of podcasts, we help to make a lot of multimedia content for the Daily, like recording concerts in our office and collaborating with the video section. Whether you are interested in reporting, editing, producing, hosting or pitching a new project, this is the section for you! If you are interested or have any questions, reach out to me at!

TD Magazine

Hello! My name is Henry Chandonnet, and I am the founding editor of TD Magazine. TD Magazine is the Daily’s first ever news magazine, publishing a semesterly print issue of narrative journalism. TD Magazine will publish long-form features relevant to Tufts, Boston or New England local interests. If you’ve ever wanted to see your writing laid out in a two-to-four page print spread, TD Magazine might be for you!

TD Magazine is a pilot, meaning it’s currently in the development stage. If you have ideas for the future of the magazine, feel free to reach out. And if you’re interested in writing investigative, multi-source scoops, drop me an email. You can reach out and pitch at

Fill out our general interest form here!

Production Department

Behind the scenes in The Tufts Daily office in the basement of Curtis Hall on Sept. 1st, 2014, the night before the first fall issue.
Nicholas Pfosi / The Tufts Daily

Being the smallest independent daily college newspaper in the country, the Daily provides a unique opportunity for students to experience firsthand the production process and what goes into putting the paper in your hands, inbox and social media feed every day. Joining the Production Department is a fantastic way to learn and develop useful skills such as project management, copy editing, graphic design, social media analytics and much more!

The Production Department is split into five sections — Layout, Newsletter, Graphics, Copy and Social Media — all of which require no experience to join, and offer opportunities to become editors and executive editors in coming semesters. Below, we’ve asked our Production Department executive editors to introduce themselves and their sections in more detail!

Layout Section

Are you interested in designing a visually cohesive newspaper? We are Josh Solomon and Aisha Karim, your spring 2025 Layout Execs, and we invite you to join the layout team! The layout section, nested within the Daily’s Production Department, is responsible for assembling the final product that you read when you pick up the Daily every week.

We use Adobe InDesign to arrange photographic and written content in appealing, reader-friendly fashion. No prior experience is necessary! Sign up for our weekly training sessions to learn how production works at the Daily. If you are interested or have questions, reach out to us at

Newsletter Section

I’m Max Lerner, the Executive Newsletter Editor for spring 2025! Each weekday, the Daily sends out a compilation of the day’s biggest headlines right to our subscribers’ inboxes. On top of this, we also send out weekly news roundups and special edition Newsletters throughout the semester. As a member of the Newsletter team, you can take part in the designing, organizing, and sending out of this vital part of our journalism. Being part of the newsletter can be as high or low commitment as you want! It’s a great way to get into the office, get to know our staff, and even get familiarized with all of the Daily’s articles! I’m really looking forward to meeting and working with all of you — feel free to contact me with any questions or inquiries at!

Social Media Section

The Social Media section plays a vital role in increasing audience engagement and readership across the Daily’s social media platforms, including through Instagram, Facebook, X and more (TikTok coming soon)! We play a big part in keeping the Tufts community updated on newly published issues, articles and breaking news as well as lead story takeovers and host Q&As with followers.

Regardless of prior experience, members of the Social Media section will have the opportunity to gain experience in public relations and communications, as well as learn how to use the publishing and analytical tools of various platforms. Members will join a growing section of exciting, fun people looking to bring new energy to the Daily’s social media team. Please email to learn more!

Copy Section

Are you a perfectionist? Do you love the feeling of fixing mistakes and getting rid of those pesky red lines? Or, are you looking for a way to become involved with the Daily but don’t know where to start? Then Copy might be the perfect section for you! We’re the executive copy editors for this semester, Evelyn Hsy and Grace Lee. As a copy editor, you will play an essential role in the production of a paper. Your main task will be helping review articles for grammatical and stylistic errors, ensuring that the Daily follows a consistent standard of style and clarity. 

As a copy editor, you can control your level of commitment by deciding how often and the exact times you want to participate. No experience necessary! You also get to work in the office, where you’ll get hands-on experience with the newspaper production process and meet some awesome people from all different sections along the way! If you’re interested in joining our team or have any questions, feel free to email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

Graphics Section

Passionate about drawing, painting or graphic design? Want to join a team of enthusiastic, talented artists? Looking for something fun and creative with flexible commitment? Then you should join the Graphics department at the Daily! Members can choose to work on requests from a weekly pool, and they are also encouraged to pitch their own ideas for requested graphics. Graphic requests can range from illustrations and cartoons to maps and infographics, and can accompany articles as well as larger sections of the Daily.

Joining the Graphics team is a great way to showcase your artistic skills and make friends, but above all we help give the Daily a creative, eye-catching appearance. If you’re interested in joining our team don’t hesitate to email us at and feel free to look at examples of past graphics on The Tufts Daily Instagram or website!

Fill out our general interest form here!


Ethics & Inclusion Committee

We are Josué Pérez and Gunnar Ivarsson, co-chairs for the Ethics and Inclusion Committee (E&I) for spring 2025! E&I is a team of students from various sections dedicated to making the Daily and our reporting more diverse, equitable and representative of the greater Tufts and Medford/Somerville communities we serve. Current projects that we are excited to continue include authoring the annual Diversity and Inclusion Report that employs survey data findings from the fall survey to reflect on potential improvements to inclusion efforts at the Daily; leading sectional and exec trainings about journalism ethics practices; and working with the managing board during production to advise on last minute questions about our content.

Commitment levels are flexible — we meet on Fridays and it’s up to you what projects you want to work on. If you have questions, are interested in joining the committee, or just have suggestions you’d like to share with us, you can contact us at

Education Committee

We are Siya Bhanshali and Henry Blickenstaff, and we are so excited to be the Daily’s Education Committee chairs for the spring 2025 semester! The Education Committee supports journalism education initiatives at the Daily, offering trainings and curating resources for new and returning members. This semester, the committee hopes to organize workshops and individual consultations for reporters seeking to improve their journalistic skills. We will also continue compiling resource guides.

As Tufts does not have a journalism major, the Education Committee is in a unique position to offer training and resources for new and returning members of the Daily. The committee was created with the mission of fostering growth at the Daily, preserving institutional memory and holding staff accountable for quality reporting and writing.

The committee meets weekly. Members will determine a mutually convenient meeting time at the start of the semester. Reach out to if you are interested in joining the committee or would like to suggest an idea for an education initiative!

Business Department

The physical collection of archived issues of The Tufts Daily are pictured in the Daily's office in Curtis Hall on Feb. 24.
Mina Terzioglu / The Tufts Daily

Applications for the Daily business team are available here. Reach out to Isabel Francis at with any questions. 

Business Associates

Applications for the Daily business team are available here. Reach out to Isabel Francis at with any questions.

The opportunity: Are you interested in getting real experience in sales or marketing? Do you want to learn more about accounting? Apply to the Daily’s business department and join our small squad of ad managers and receivables managers!

Description: The Daily is financially independent from Tufts University, and our business department is entirely responsible for raising and managing our funds. Our ad managers initiate and maintain relationships with local and national clients, collect analytics and perform market research. Receivables managers manage our budget, oversee payroll of the Daily’s staff members and plan fundraisers. 

Availability and compensation: Members of the business department are expected to contribute 8-10 hours of work every month. If you qualify for work study, you can get paid for the work you do for us.

Fill out our general interest form here!