Editor’s note: The Daily’s editorial department acknowledges that this article is premised on a conflict of interest. This article is a special feature for Daily Week that does not represent the Daily’s standard journalistic practices.
Whether it’s listening to a song that matches your mood perfectly, watching a favorite TV show after a bad day or exploring a new art exhibition with friends, we engage with and seek out art on a daily basis. It is no wonder then, that The Tufts Daily has included some form of the Arts section since its creation. Despite being just four pages long, the first volume of the Daily, published on Feb. 25, 1980, included two Arts articles and referenced the arts throughout. Instead of reviews, analyses or detailed recommendations, as is typical for current Arts articles, the original two focused on encouraging Tufts students to engage with local art by describing art happening in the area and why students should care.
“We at Tufts are lucky to have everyday exposure to Art, but how many of us take advantage of it?” Josh Mayer begins “Escape Into Art,” the first Arts article published by the Daily, by posing this question to the student body. To demonstrate the availability of the arts to Tufts students, Mayer uses the previous Saturday night as a case study, referencing performances and film screenings both on campus and in the Boston area. He follows this summary with a list of campus groups that organize arts events at Tufts, many of which, including Torn Ticket, 3Ps and TUTV, are still active today. The article focuses predominantly on performing arts, in particular plays, concerts and films, but mentions a campus visual arts gallery.
Through this wide range of topics, Mayer intends to prove that there are arts opportunities to suit any preference and any student, so lack of content does not justify lack of exposure. Additionally, the list of organizations demonstrates that art is brought to students by students, strengthening intra-Tufts communities. The Daily continues the trend established by Mayer, aiming to inform readers about the activities of student groups. For example, senior Nate Hall’s “Center Stage” series highlights Tufts performing arts groups, mentioning past and future performances. Despite the omnipresence of the arts, readers still may wonder why they should fill their time with art given all the other activities available to them. Mayer answers the question simply: “Just take a break from your studies or parties [and] escape into Art — it makes life here all the more bearable.”
In the second Arts article in the Daily’s first volume, “Daily Double,” Czar Cygnus switches the focus from what has happened to what will happen, highlighting a band performance on campus and a film screening in Boston scheduled for the week of publication. While the article suggests evening entertainment to Tufts students, it also emphasizes the influence of the arts on Tufts and Boston social culture in general. This article also lays the foundation for future Arts stories that appear in several early issues, giving students a rundown of what performances to look forward to that night.
The young Daily also aspired to ensure all students knew when and where to engage with the arts, even without reading a full article. In the first issue’s list of meeting times and locations, music performances are included along with athletic events and special lectures. The current Arts section of the Daily doesn’t keep a calendar of events, but the advent of Tufts Tickets and social media makes it easier for organizers to coordinate other forms of publicity.
The influence of the arts in early editions of the Daily spreads beyond entertainment articles and activity listings. The first volume’s Viewpoint article calls on students to demand improvements at Tufts in the face of rising tuition and waning resources, the subject of the news article from the same issue. A thriving arts scene, despite disappointing support, is listed as a major concern for students, right along with attending forums and joining political movements on campus. The modern Daily continues to consider arts in a political context by highlighting the political impacts of pop culture and local art. Over the past semester, the topics of these articles have ranged from in-depth reporting on the TikTok ban to an analysis of how Ireland’s history relates to its media representation.
Over the decades, many things have remained constant about Tufts and the Daily since its first publication: People are still looking for things to do on a Saturday night, and high tuition is still a significant concern. Facing such difficulties, just as in 1980, the Arts section of the Daily is here to make your life more bearable.