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Where you read it first | Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Daily Drip: Lucy in the Chai

Read a review of The Sink’s take on the classic dirty chai.

The Daily Drip
Graphic by Rachel Wong

Ever thought it would be nice to have a review of every signature drink at The Sink by a girl you’ve never met? No? Well, I’m giving it to you anyway. You’re welcome.

My name is Dylan Fee, and I thought it would be a great semester to break my bank account by reviewing almost every drink from The Sink via this column. If you live under a rock (or maybe just in the Metcalf basement), The Sink is the only student-run coffee shop on campus. It’s in the Campus Center, all of the tables are always taken, the music consists of either a niche indie band you’ve never heard of or something featured on a brat summer playlist and the workers all dress cooler than you. I’m already an avid Sink-goer and can say that the drinks are without a doubt worth the (usually long) wait.

However, I’m a creature of habit and rarely stray from my typical order of a chai. I will use this column to venture outside of my norm and explore new drinks with you, the reader. Disclaimer: I usually don’t drink coffee because it makes my tummy hurt, so just know I’ll be fighting through my afternoon lectures once a week for y’all.

I am a classic iced-drinks-when-it’s-warm and hot-drinks-when-it’s-cold kind of gal. But for the sake of this column, I will be sampling both the hot and iced versions of each drink, paired with different milks, each week.

From there, I will give you my thoughts on said drinks and provide a justification for the 5-star scale rating. If you take scathing hot issue with my review, I challenge you to let me know. With that being said, let's get into this week’s drink: Lucy in the Chai.

While I’ve never tried this signature Sink variation, which offers an espresso-laiden twist on a regular chai, the name is a huge draw. Who doesn’t like the Beatles? I was certainly “in the sky with diamonds” after that caffeine boost.

Waiting in line was a respectable 9 minutes and 27 seconds, a relative win compared to the Sink’s typical rush-hour lines. Yes, I timed it — don’t judge me. I got my two drinks, both made correctly despite all of my modifications.

Upon first taste, these drinks felt like a one-woman show starring Sabrina Carpenter — heavy on the espresso, especially in the hot version that had the addition of whole milk absorbing the chai flavor.

I’d recommend ordering this drink iced as I could still detect notes of chai. It’s like the chai flavor was in the room next door, similar to the hidden taste of a La Croix. With hints of cinnamon and chilling ice cubes, I could see myself with this drink standing in a pumpkin patch wearing flip flops — caught between summer and fall. However, if you want to pick apples wearing UGGs and a cozy sweater, I’d stick to the regular chai.

A few hours post drink and the tummy ache was going strong, let’s just say it’s not that “me espresso.” Stay tuned for next week’s cozy drink: Medford Fog.

Always brewing the best reviews,

Dylan Fee 

Summary Lucy in the Chai is not my personal favorite, but I understand the appeal and may come back to it during finals week when I need some extra energy.
3.5 Stars