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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Sunday, September 15, 2024

Letter from the Editor in Chief: Welcome to Tufts

The Tufts Daily office is pictured on Apr. 6.

Dear Tufts community,

My name is Julieta Grané, and I am honored to welcome you to Tufts. As is traditional of the editor in chief, I would like to use this space to introduce you to The Tufts Daily.  

When I was new to Tufts, I had little idea what I wanted to major in, let alone what clubs to join. I remember meandering aimlessly through the Student Organizations Fair, pausing to hear from students promoting pre-professional clubs, community service groups and sororities. Many causes compelled me, but the Daily’s table caught my eye more than any other. The group of smiling and talkative students welcoming newcomers struck me as different from my stereotype of what people who produce newspapers looked like.

In many ways, the Daily is traditional. As Tufts’ student-run, financially independent newspaper of record since 1980, our organization aims to provide accurate, inclusive and thorough coverage of news concerning Tufts and our host communities of Medford and Somerville. We publish every weekday and print weekly. Because Tufts does not have a journalism major, we also offer professional growth opportunities in journalism and media.

The Daily consists of three pillars: editorial, production and business. Within the editorial department, we have eight written and four multimedia sections that regularly produce content ranging from local politics to popular culture to scientific research stories. The production department works primarily to design the weekly print edition but also includes copy editors who catch each Oxford comma and dangling modifier in our content. Finally, the business department ensures the Daily’s financial independence and works closely with our alumni council to preserve the long-term stability of our organization. The many avenues for engagement in the Daily mean that whether you were your high school paper’s editor in chief or speak English as a second language, there is a place for you here.

Unlike my stereotype of a gray office full of cubicles and men in suits, the Daily embraces modernity. As both a media organization and student club, the Daily’s efforts to promote equity range from intentional coverage in the newsroom to inclusive recruitment of new members. In May, we published The Tufts Daily Diversity & Inclusion Report 2023-24. This report contains data about the Daily’s staff, insights into their experiences in our organization and recommendations for how to improve.

I am proud to share that the vast majority of respondents to the survey reported feeling comfortable and included in the Daily. The aptly named “Dailmunity” represents the warmth that members of our organization feel when working together. Within individual sections, a sense of community is built upon the process of pitching, editing, producing and refining content. Within the organization as a whole, we celebrate successes and support each other through challenges.

However, there is still work to do in promoting the Daily to everyone at Tufts. The Diversity & Inclusion report indicates that the Daily is, generally, less diverse than the Tufts community — specifically in the underrepresentation of students on financial aid and racial, ethnic and gender minorities.

With a contentious presidential election coming up, our coverage will require diverse perspectives this semester more than ever. The Daily aims to bring people together by delivering stories from across the political spectrum, but that coverage depends on our staff and contributors. Even if you don’t want to join the Daily, I hope you will lend your voice to campus conversations by submitting an op-ed to our opinion editor at

While I have found a beautiful community and fulfilling experience here, the Daily is far from perfect. We aim to produce fair and accurate reporting without causing harm to any individual or group; however, we sometimes fall short of that goal. When we make mistakes, we depend on our readership to provide feedback and present perspectives that may have gone unconsidered. I encourage you to reach out to us by submitting a letter to the editor, an anonymous tip or emailing me directly at We value your perspective and admit that we have room to grow.

If you’re interested in joining, please scan the QR code on the front of this newspaper and attend any of the recruitment events listed on the calendar. On behalf of the Tufts Daily staff, welcome to the Dailmunity.

Pax et Lux,

Julieta Grané

Editor in Chief, Fall 2024