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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A Jumbo’s Journey: We are SO Back

A Jumbo's Journey.png
Graphic by Rachel Wong

In short, we are SO back. Actually, we have never been more back than we are right now. As a newly christened sophomore, I can officially say that I am back. Whether you are like me and have one year under your belt and are still forced into a meal plan or you just had your last FDOC, we are BACK!! Freshies, you all have a lot to learn.

Coming back to campus in late August was surreal. Driving through the Cummings intersection and around Professors Row was a wash of nostalgia. A four-month break from Dewick and overpriced coffee changed me as a person. At least for me, the summer was a refreshing, relaxing and grounding experience — a detox. It was so much so that toward the end of July, Tufts started to feel like a fever dream. All those parties, brutally boring lectures and quirky people seemed like a figment of my imagination. It seemed all too fanciful to be real.

But then, BAM! Dewick right here, DTD brothers playing die right over there, flocks of first-years everywhere. Being thrown back onto campus is like a Mike Tyson left hook. Clearly, I’m still settling back in.

Sorry, I think I am getting ahead of myself. As this is my first column publication of the new academic year, I should introduce myself. My name is Ben Rachel and I am a sophomore here at Tufts. Currently, I plan on majoring in economics and computer science. This is my second year writing this column (you should check out my publications from last year). In layman's terms, this column is used to procrastinate instead of doing my academic work.

For you readers, this column can be seen as a documented journey of a Tufts student. I started this column at the beginning of my freshman year, and in each publication, I write about important experiences and messages I have learned during my time at Tufts. One of my co-workers this year asked me, “Do you think you’ll run out of ideas?” I answered, “Probably.” But fear not my pupils, for I am a master yapper and I guarantee, every other week you will find my newest publication with some ridiculous title about a new absurd topic.

Now, a common question for me is: Why should you read my column? While I can copy and paste my elevator pitch, my real answer is: I don’t know. I’m going to keep writing as long as I can. Maybe if the Daily tells me that my work is outdated, not funny and irrelevant I will stop. But as long as I’m in good standing with the editors, and random students continue to compliment me on my column (I may be a narcissist; I feel no empathy), I will continue writing. I’ve heard that this column shows a good progression of a normal student and teaches other students important lessons, but I don’t like to brag (just kidding, I do). Anyway, if you like my writing style, if you like my messages and if you like my stories, continue to read because it’s only going to get better!

That’s it for my first publication of the academic year. We have a long way to go. I feel my stomach rumbling from all that Dewick, so I bid you adieu and I will write to you all later!


Ben Rachel