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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Tuesday, January 7, 2025

TCU Senate hears appeal for supplementary funding, discusses recent anti-Semitic incident

Members of TCU Senate are pictured during a meeting on Feb. 6, 2022.

The TCU Senate heard supplementary funding appeals and discussed issues of diversity, equity and inclusion on Sunday.

After taking attendance, TCU Historian Julie Baik reviewed the attendance policy for the year and directed senators to take a survey regarding the annual Senate meet and greet with Tufts administrators. TCU Treasurer Jalen Little then introduced twelve supplementary funding requests.

The Society of Latinx Engineers and Scientists requested $10,712 for travel costs for a group trip to the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Conference. The Senate voted unanimously to break the six-person cap for fund requests involving off-campus trips, allowing nine members of SOLES to attend the conference. The Allocations Board recommendation of $9,155 passed unanimously.

The Tufts Observer requested $2,640 to fund additional publishing costs and food costs for meetings. The Senate passed the ALBO recommendation of $1,640 to cover publishing costs with 31 senators in favor, none opposed and two abstaining.

Little then led the Senate in an appeal procedure for the Students for Exploration and Development of Space club, which requested $16,137 from the Allocations Board to attend the SpaceVision Conference. The initial request was reduced to $4,868 in order to fit the six-person cap, to which SEDS responded with an appeal to expand the budget to accommodate twenty members.

Nico Moldovean, a sophomore and chair of the board of SEDS, began the appeal process with a five-minute statement, which was then followed by a five-minute statement by ALBO. The Senate then held a 15-minute question and answer period, which was followed by the floor being opened for debate.

Following the debate process, the Senate ultimately voted to allocate $14,524 to SEDS, which would cover the cost of 20 members attending the conference, excluding personal contribution costs. The updated funding request passed with 28 senators voting in favor, no senators opposed and six abstaining.

The Senate then returned to Supplementary Funding Request procedures. The Association for Sexual Assault Prevention at Tufts requested $3,135 for its club budget this semester. The Senate passed the ALBO recommendation of $2,985 unanimously.

180 Degrees Consulting requested $1,445 to fund a headshot photographer and its semester formal event. The senate approved the funding request, with 33 senators voting in favor, none opposed and one abstaining.

The Italian Club requested $35 for a bocce set to utilize while painting the cannon. The request passed by acclamation.

Jumbo Cast requested $4,749 for new video cameras and a new cable to record and broadcast Tufts sporting events. The Senate approved the full request, which passed with 32 senators voting in favor, none against and two abstaining.

The Tufts Enchanted a capella group requested $140 to fund audiovisual services for its performance in December. The full funding request was approved and passed by acclamation.

The Tufts Labor Coalition requested an additional $50 to its food budget to help fund a community brunch event for club members and Tufts employees. The Allocations Board approved the full funding request, which passed by acclamation.

The Tufts Running Club requested $3,494 to fund its attendance of a national championship meet for club running. ALBO removed personal contributions from the fund request and recommended $3,145, which the Senate passed. 33 senators voted in favor of the funding, with one opposed and none abstaining.

Tufts Hillel requested $2,050 to fund a retreat for their organization. ALBO modified the request to take into account personal contributions and recommended $1,845. The Senate passed the request unanimously.

Tufts Quidditch requested $1,600 to fund the attendance of a travel tournament. ALBO recommended $1,440 to account for personal contributions, and the Senate passed this request, with 33 senators voting in favor of the recommendation, none opposed and one abstaining.

The Senate then heard updates from the General Board, headed by TCU Vice President Arielle Galinsky. Galinsky noted the success of the previous week’s all-school and sophomore town halls and also mentioned that she and FIRST Community Senator Ayomide Oloyede were working to form a Food Security Committee within the Senate.

Galinsky also said that products for the Menstrual Product Project would begin distribution this week and noted that the Senate would begin discussing support options for students staying on campus for fall break. 

The Senate then heard updates from each subcommittee. Class of 2025 Senator Anika Buder-Greenwood, chair of the Service Committee, noted that the Committee was beginning to plan transportation for students to airports and train stations for fall break.

The Education Committee, led by Class of 2025 Senator Tolu Adewumi gave updates about the mentorship program within the Senate, and TCU Parliamentarian Zachary Feretti said that a collaborative syllabi drive may be in the works.

Krystal Mutebi, TCU diversity officer and Women’s Center community senator, noted that the upcoming Division of Student Diversity and Inclusion block party has been postponed and that Mutebi interviewed a new candidate for the Vice Provost of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice position.

After other committees gave their updates, TCU President Jaden Pena then turned to discussing a recent meeting with University President Anthony Monaco, Provost Caroline Genco and Chief of Staff Marty Ray to discuss the recent antisemitic incident on campus. Pena noted that the administrators discussed forming an ad hoc committee to investigate the event, as well as the possibility of developing an event or seminar regarding anti-racism and discrimination during first-year orientation.

Pena then led an open forum, where Oloyede mentioned the Tufts University Police Department’s partnership with SafeRide to provide students within a 1.5 mile radius of campus with rides home via Lyft. Indigenous Community Senator Luz del Carmen Pliego-Alcantara noted that November is Indigenous People’s Month and mentioned some of the events that the Indigenous Center will be holding, including attending a protest for the National Day of Mourning.

Class of 2025 Senator Anthony Yu was named Senator of the Week, and the meeting was adjourned. 

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