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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, January 4, 2025

TCU Senate passes resolution to add Indigenous Center community senator seat

The Tufts Community Union Senate voted to add the new Indigenous Center community senator seat and heard supplementary funding requests in a meeting on Sunday night in the Sophia Gordon Multipurpose Room.

Vice President Tim Leong opened the floor for updates from the committee chairs. 

Education Committee Chair Claire Bolash gave an update on the resources fair, which is scheduled for April 6 from 12–3 p.m. on the roof of Tisch Library. Representatives of many student-facing offices at Tufts will be at the event to discuss academics, wellness, student life and more with attendees.

Next, TCU Senate Parliamentarian Ibrahim AlMuasher introduced two abstracts from pending resolutions, which the Senate will vote on in a future meeting. 

The first abstract was titled “A Resolution Calling for Additional Members for the Presidential Search Committee.” It calls for the inclusion of one representative each from the SMFA and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, as well as the addition of a second student representative from the Undergraduate School of Arts and Sciences, to the search committee for University President Anthony Monaco’s replacement.

AlMuasher then read an abstract titled “A Resolution Calling for Financial Investments and Equitable Policy Regarding Students' Mental Health.” The resolution calls for funding for more counselors on call, more standing counselors and more mental health training for professors and resident assistants. 

AlMuasher then read the text of a resolution titled “Calling for Adoption of Open Educational Resources.” The resolution calls for each academic department at Tufts to publish data on the total costs of completing their majors and to reduce the overall additional cost of their majors by 33% over the next five years. The Senate heard from Tisch Library’s Director Dorothy Meaney and Assistant Director Martha Kelehan before voting on the resolution. 

Trustee Representative Max Miller and Class of 2025 Senator Nessren Ourdyl, who authored the resolution, discussed open educational resources. Miller hopes the resolution will remove student stress through ensuring they face fewer out-of-pocket costs. 

There was no opposition to the resolution, which passed with 15 senators voting in favor, none opposing and none abstaining. 

AlMuasher then introduced a resolution calling for an increase of at least $1000 to the LGBTQ+ Transition and Emergency Fund and expanded access to the FIRST Center to replenish their $500 unexpected hardship fund.

TCU Diversity Officer Jaden Pena then announced that the petition for adding the Indigenous Center community senator seat received around 660 signatures, far more than the 250 required to add the seat.

Leong then motioned to vote on adding the Indigenous Center community senator seat. Fifteen senators voted in favor, none opposed and none abstained.

TCU Treasurer Elizabeth Hom then introduced 15 supplementary funding requests. 

Turbo requested $5,000 to fund a dance competition. The request passed with 14 senators voting in favor, none opposing and none abstaining. 

The Humanist Society requested $200 to fund the licensing costs of “Soul” (2020), which will play at their “Death Cafe,” where students can candidly discuss death and mortality. The request passed by acclamation. 

Project SHARE asked for $144 to fund a new website domain. The request passed by acclamation. 

Tufts KoDA, a Korean dance team on campus, requested $1,488 for the Culture Show and video projects. The Allocations Board unanimously voted to fully fund the request, which passed unanimously. 

Roti & Rum, a dance group, requested $1,532 to fund their five-year anniversary celebration. The request passed with unanimous approval.

Torn Ticket II requested $9,166 to fund their spring musical “Chicago.The Allocations Board unanimously voted to fully fund the request, which passed with 15 senators voting in favor, none opposing and none abstaining.

Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia Students Association requested $1,000 for their Pasar Malam event. The request passed by acclamation.  

The South Asian Political Action Community requested $829 to fund their Caste and Dance Speaker dinner. The request passed by acclamation. 

The Philippine Student Union requested $1,080 to fund a trip to the Loj. The request passed by acclamation. 

Tufts Quidditch requested $12,763 to send 19 players to the Quidditch Nationals Cup in Utah. The Allocations Board voted to fund $5,095 of the request, which passed with 15 senators voting in favor, none opposing and none abstaining. 

Tufts American Society of Civil Engineers requested $937 to send 16 students to a steel bridge competition, of which the Allocations Board voted to fund $844. The request passed by acclamation. 

The Tufts Italian Club submitted a request of $390 to fund their North End food tour, which passed by acclamation. 

Tufts Mock Trial requested $3,487, of which the Allocations Board voted to fund $3,139, to send 12 people to the American National Mock Trial Tournament. The body unanimously voted to fund the request.

The Palmier requested $1,809 to fund magazine prints and a recipe testing, which passed with 15 senators voting in favor, none opposing and none abstaining. 

Diverse Minds requested $432 in a new group funding request, of which the Allocations Board voted to fund $399. The request passed by acclamation. 

Then, the TCU Election Commission joined the meeting to discuss the upcoming election season for student government. They announced that the candidate application form closes Wednesday at noon. There will be an in-person meet and greet on April 10 for students to meet with the candidates.

Class of 2025 Senator Eva Sheedy then reported that the dining halls will transition away from offering plastic utensils in the coming weeks as a result of a collaboration between Sheedy and the EcoReps. 

Finally, TCU Historian Mariana Janer-Agrelot announced that applications for the student leadership stipend, which is available to all students on financial aid who hold a student leadership position, are open.

After a brief open session, the meeting was adjourned. 

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