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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, September 7, 2024

Red Dress Gala a success for PERIOD at Tufts

A promotional poster for the Tufts branch of PERIOD, an organization that works to end period poverty.

PERIOD at Tufts hosted a Red Dress Gala on Oct. 15 that raised $1,020 for the Myna Mahila Foundation, a nonprofit organization that provides access to menstrual products to communities in India. 

PERIOD at Tuftswas founded two years ago by Yasmeen Meek, the current vice president of the club, to increase access to menstrual products for Tufts students and members of the Medford/Somerville community. PERIOD at Tufts is part of the international PERIOD organization, which has chapters in over 20 countries and over 40 U.S. states. Like its parent organization, PERIOD at Tufts seeks to reduce the stigma surrounding menstruation through service projects, education initiatives and political advocacy.

On-campus performance groups, including Roti and Rum, BEATs and COCOA Dancers, provided entertainment at the gala. Semolina Kitchen and Bar, Anna’s Taqueria, Picante Taqueria and Yoshi's donated free food for the event. Guests were encouraged to wear red clothes and/or cocktail attire.

The Red Dress Gala was PERIOD at Tufts’ first event of the year. According to junior Olivia Ting, the education chair of PERIOD at Tufts, the gala was two years in the making

“Two years ago … we wanted to have a huge, big fundraiser because our first PERIOD drive was really successful," Ting said. "[The Red Dress Gala] just kind of evolved over the course of two semesters two years ago, and then COVID hit and that wasn't possible, but it was the brainchild of the entire [executive] board two years ago.” 

 Ting explained the executive board's vision for the event. 

“We just thought it'd be fun for people to have something to look forward to, maybe dress up for if they feel so inclined, have some really good music, some good food,” Ting said. “We thought that it would be a good opportunity to meet new people, have a good time and also support a really good cause.” 

Mira Pensa, co-treasurer of PERIOD at Tufts, reported that there was high turnout to the event. Meek shared that over 200 people RSVPed.

Throughout the night, students were encouraged to donate to the Myna Mahila Foundation

“Tickets to the gala were pay-what-you-can to make it as accessible as possible while also raising donations for a great cause,” Meek, a senior, wrote in an email to the Daily

Ting reflected on the success of the gala and talent of the student performers.

“It was a good time and [the groups] were so incredible," Ting said. "It's really stunning to think that these are just students.”

Pensa described the gala as successful and enjoyable.

“I definitely think it turned out as planned,” Pensa, a first-year, said. “I think we raised a bit more money than we were expecting. I think a couple of groups couldn't come so it ended a little sooner than we expected, but I really think it was perfect.”

Now that Tufts has returned to mostly in-person programming, PERIOD at Tufts has more events planned for the semester, including a workshop and a film screening. Additionally, according to Meek, the club will host another fundraiser this year called the PERIOD Drive & Packing Party, where the group will organize menstrual supplies into care packages and donate them to local homeless shelters.

Meek said that PERIOD at Tufts plans to continue hosting its Red Dress Gala in future years after the event's initial success.

“We want to make this event even bigger and better in the future, and I think that will definitely be possible as COVID restrictions ease," Meek said.