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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, September 7, 2024

Making my (Den)mark: The Final Countdown

I really can’t believe how quickly this semester has gone by. So, I’ve decided to write about the top 5 things I will miss the most about Copenhagen and studying abroad.

  1. Classes. I know, I know … Why would anyone actually miss the school part of study abroad? Well, my classes with DIS have revitalized me in a way that will hopefully propel me through my senior year at Tufts. Not only did I regain my love for learning, but I also found a new energy and confidence to participate in my classes. Additionally, (most of) my classes were really interesting and enjoyable.
  2. Traveling. Even though I didn’t travel as much as other people in my program, I was able to visit some of the top places on my list pretty easily. I was exposed to several different countries and cultures, and I met people along the way who will definitely have a lasting impact on my life. While I do love taking pictures everywhere I go, I know that I’ll have a lot more than just photographs to remember my travels by. Also, I think I may have overcome my slight fear of flying, which is a nice bonus.
  3. City living. I’ve never lived in the heart of a city before, but I literally lived in the city center of Copenhagen, which was very cool. Not only was I a two-minute walk away from my classes — I will definitely miss that, especially during Boston winters — but also I felt like a real adult roaming around the city. This has definitely helped me grow into a more independent person.
  4. Friends. Through my classes and living in my DIS apartment, I’ve met some really great people. It’s hard to imagine not spending so much time with them once we’re all back in the states, but I know that they are people who will be my friends for life.
  5. Host family. I could write a whole novel about how much I love my visiting host family. Just ask any of my friends — I never stop talking about how great they are. I clicked with my host family the very first day I met them, and since then they’ve become my second family. I play ping pong with my host brother Jakob, nerd out over books and movies with my host sister Ida and I’ve learned so, so much from my amazing host mom Pia. We’ve had tons of fun times, like going to the beach, museums, castles and more. I even got to cook my ‘famous’ chicken fingers for them. I think they’ve had the strongest influence on my semester, and I don’t think my time in Copenhagen would’ve been the same without them. Again, while I’m really sad about saying goodbye to them, I know that I’ll always have my Danish family.
After spending so many quality weeks in this country, it’s easy to see why people are so crazy about studying abroad. While I’ll try my best to not be one of those people who inserts abroad references in every conversation, I can’t make any promises.