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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, September 20, 2024

Op-Ed: Why I rely on Rapfogel

Adam’s friends, myself included, have urged Adam to quit Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate many times. It’s sometimes done as a joke to see how he’ll react. Other times, it’s out of selfishness because we want to spend more time with him. The demand is typically made in awe after watching him devote immense amounts of time to this organization. Over the past three years, I’ve watched Adam devote countless hours of his time and effort to TCU Senate. When he first told me that he was running for president, I was not the slightest bit surprised. For Adam, the position seems to be the natural culmination of three years of devoted service, both as Senator and Parliamentarian, to the student body.

I met Adam during my first week of college. The first thing I noticed was his endless compassion. During my first weekend on campus, my friend from high school decided to visit me. Naturally, she got lost in Boston while trying to make her way to Tufts. Despite not knowing me for more than a couple of days, Adam came with me into Boston on a Friday night to help me find my friend. Since that first week of meeting him, Adam has always gone out of his way to help his friends in need. Whether it’s assisting me in setting up IKEA furniture or consoling me after the Seahawks didn’t make the NFL playoffs, Adam has always been there for me.

The same can be said for his work on TCU Senate. Adam puts his heart and soul into every project that he has been a part of. His love for Late Night Carm Study is admirable; he goes out of his way to make sure there are as many snacks as possible for stressed-out students during finals week. Adam even worked tirelessly to put something as basic as a water fountain in Tilton Hall after hearing complaints from others in his dorm. As the Parliamentarian for the past two years, Adam has been put in some difficult positions as controversial resolutions have been proposed. Regardless of all of the stress and confrontation he’s faced, Adam’s devotion to TCU Senate and helping to improve our school have always held steadfast.

Being friends with Adam is such a gift. He is kind, considerate and compassionate. Above all, he will always make time for what his friends and peers need from him. He has done it for me as a friend and the Tufts student body as a representative for the past three years. He wants nothing more than to be able to help improve Tufts and everyone’s experience here, and I hope for the benefit of our university that he gets the opportunity to do that as TCU President.