In a democratic society, citizens not only have the obligation to make daily decisions that influence their neighbors but also the power to make change. Every day, we see examples big and small of people using their voices to force those in power to listen. Recently, the collective voices of hundreds of women started a national conversation on workplace sexual harassment. Here at Tufts, student activism prompted an investigation into sexual harassment and hazing within the Greek Life system.
In order for people to exercise this power, they need accurate and reliable information. The Tufts Daily occupies a unique place in the campus community; it is one of the few student organizations that does not advance one particular agenda. Rather, at the Daily, we hope to provide you with the facts and perspectives to aid you in making decisions that affect your everyday lives.
Last semester, we worked hard to cover stories relevant to our community, from the poor treatment of janitor Anita Posadas to the struggle of students with less visible disabilities to the men's soccer team’s historic NESCAC championship win. We stood up for our right to print critical perspectives when former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci threatened to sue this publication for publishing an op-ed he considered defamatory.
Yet there is more to be done. There have been many times when we published articles that were neither accurate nor representative, and even more instances where we neglected to cover the diverse narratives that make up this community. To this end, the Daily is investing resources this semester toward more effective training of our staff. We will offer the Daily Support Fund scholarship for the fourth semester, to ensure anyone with a passion for journalism can contribute. And we are doubling down on our efforts to make sure the paper paints an accurate and comprehensive portrait of our campus.
Ultimately, I hope you can use the Daily as a tool to enrich your Tufts experience, whether that means reading a news article to better understand a policy change, browsing a review to get the pulse on Tufts culture or writing an op-ed to express your opinion on a contested campus issue. If there is anything you want to see in the Daily or think we could do better, please email us at or me personally at I can’t wait to start the conversation.
Catherine Perloff
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