As the semester comes to an end, the future of one important institution on campus still remains uncertain: Greek life. One potential reason the issue has not been resolved is a lack of pressure on the people responsible for making the decision, perhaps because many students do not know who has the power to determine Greek life's future.
One such group is the Committee for Student Life (CSL), which is mostly known for hearing appeals of disciplinary decisions and cases. However, its mandate also includes “concern for student circumstances, activities and affairs” and ensuring "that the ideals, principles and ethical values characteristic of academic institutions are maintained." This could include deliberations over the future of Greek life. Indeed, according to a Feb. 27 Daily article, CSL Co-Chair Tafari Duncan, a senior, gave a committee update to the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Senate, saying the CSL was still reviewing Greek life and the language of one of the university's social policies.
In addition to the CSL, many other administrative bodies could be involved in the decision over the fate of Greek life, but exactly which ones are involved is unknown. For example, University President Anthony Monaco created the Student Life Review Committee on Dec. 22, 2016 to "address social issues at Tufts" in light of the Greek life scandal broken by the Tufts Observer in November 2016. It is unclear if the Student Life Review Committee will be taking on some of the authority previously given to the CSL, if it will deliberate with the CSL to make a decision on Greek life, if these bodies will make independent decisions or if they will even be the ones to make decisions.
Other groups that are presumably involved with the future of Greek life are the Office for Campus Life, the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Office of the President. Again, it is unclear what each office's responsibility is on this matter or who students should be lobbying if they are in favor of one outcome over another.
The issue of Greek life has been polarizing, but if the student body can agree on something, it is that it is time to take the matter out of limbo and make a decision with as much transparency and student input as possible.
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