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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, March 15, 2025

NYSD: One Tufts Hill


Pooja: Lately I’ve been watching a lot of "One Tree Hill" (OTH) (2003-2012) — and by a lot I mean I just got to 100 episodes. It’s definitely a bit strange to start watching now, seeing as most of the songs and references are circa 2002. However, watching OTH lets me live through the American teenage experience I never had. In 100 episodes, I learnt how to drive, fell in love, got married, had a baby, died, came back to life, killed my brother, got over a pill addiction and won the state championship. You may think such events are different frommy everyday life here at Tufts, but OTH is not so different from our One (but many) Tufts Hills. Here at NYSD, we often write about how our lives are governed by Murphy’s law. In the same way, if something can go wrong on the show, it does. That being said, if something can go horribly right, it does that too. At 22, most of the characters on the show are successful musicians/business owners with children. Meanwhile, Rebecca and I are jobless seniors soon to be unemployed real people. However, there is some truth in soap operas like OTH, for they point out how life has a funny way of giving you equal but opposite doses of Murphy’s law. Sometimes you just need a reminder that things have a weird way of working out.

P.S. I am on season 5 and if you give me any spoilers I will kill you.  


How do you stay fit in college?

Rebecca: I would love to say that I know the answer to this. I thought that I did but every time I come home I am greeted by my mother with “Did you gain weight?” However, in light of my love of buffalo wings and my fear of the gym, I have to credit the hill with keeping me blood pressure low and my calves rock hard. Walking from Granoff to Braker is not for the faint of heart.  

My roommate is in a relationship that makes her unhappy and does not listen to me when I tell her to end it. What should I do?

Rebecca: It can be frustrating to watch a friend stay in a relationship that is obviously wrong for her. However, sometimes people have to come to their own conclusions; it might not be as obviously wrong to her as it is to you. For now, the best thing you can do for her is be there, even if that means having the same conversation with her over and over again. One day it will click for her. Until then, continue to support her and give her your advice, even if she chooses not to take it.

That’s all we have for this week! Next week, Pooja and I have lined up some of your favorite professors, who will be answering your questions. Send questions to our Google Doc or email,