The Tufts chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) has voted to disaffiliate from its national organization due to a difference of opinion, the brothers wrote in a statement.
“Our long-term goals do not align with those of our national organization,” the brothers wrote in an open letter emailed to the Daily.
The chapter, which was founded on Tufts campus in 1940, voted unanimously to disaffiliate and brought the decision to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life yesterday, according to Director of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs Su McGlone.
“The fraternity came forward as a whole,” she said.
McGlone said the university stands by the former AEPi brothers as they make this transition.
“They’ve decided to cut ties with the national organization,” McGlone said. “The university supports their right to affiliate as an independent organization.”
A Tufts chapter disaffiliating from a national fraternity is not unprecedented, according to McGlone.
“ATO had a similar situation,” she said. In 1974, the fraternity separated from the national Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) organization in order to accept both men and women, according to the ATO of Massachusetts website.
The former brothers of AEPi can continue to live on campus, because the house they occupy is owned by the university, according to McGlone. They plan to transition to either an independent social organization or a chapter of a different national fraternity, according to their announcement.
“I’m looking forward to seeing what they decide to do. They have a lot of options,” McGlone said. “I really don’t know how it’s going to pan out.”
This is a breaking news story that the Daily will continue to update as information becomes available.
Alpha Epsilon Pi disaffiliates from national organization

Tufts AEPi is currently headquartered at 45 Sawyer Ave., Medford MA.