The other day I learned what FOMO meant. After my friends had a decent laugh over my confusion of modern-day acronym slang, they clarified, “It means fear of missing out.” “Oh.” Damn. We have a whole phrase in our lingo to compress this fear. We have a whole generation of speakers harping on this fear. That blew my mind, particularly because I actually see it all around me, especially in college.
How many times have you told yourself, "Ugh, I don’t think this is really something I want to do but I’ll just go and check it out?" How many times have you overbooked yourself, trying to squeeze activities and events and parties all on top of each other to get even just a moment to check everything out? How many times have you texted a pal, “How is it?” I know for me the answer is more than I would like. Unfortunately, this kind of mindset leaves you trapped within our Tufts bubble and hinders going away.
While we Tufts students have to suffer through the month of October with relatively no breaks (I guess that’s an article for another day), most universities have had or are about to have their fall break. Now, coming from a relatively close-knit group of friends in high school means that when someone comes to visit, we all go to visit. An old friend is coming to BU? Well then tonight I’m going to BU too. My friend at Boston College is bored, well I guess it’s time to head over there. From old high school friends, to camp friends, to family members and just to randos you’ve met throughout the past few years, we all know people well beyond the Tufts framework. Certainly, I am not advocating for a "screw Tufts" mindset, in fact, quite the opposite. I am advocating for the occasional getting off campus, checking out the way an old friend at an entirely different school lives and coming back with a greater appreciation for where you are.
I can undoubtedly say that every trip I have taken off this campus has left me hungry for Tufts, in the best way possible. Sometimes you just need to go away, whether that is another school, back home, a new city or even just the Loj. Don’t deny yourself that need because of FOMO. Nothing is more worth it than taking a break when you know your body and mind need one. We spend every living second on this wonderful, wonderful campus, but sometimes you need a little space to break it up and appreciate it even more.
Finally, perspective is amazing. Even just venturing out to Boston for dinner and an event can be the refreshing alternative you need from boxing yourself in on campus. To come back with an array of life experiences -- and don’t ever underestimate the weight of dinner or a movie as a life experience -- is so beneficial to our growth, because honestly we are still just children finding our way to adulthood. Have a friend at Northeastern? It’s under $5 to see them for a day. Been dying to check out the MFA? We get to go for free! Just can’t fathom cooking today? Try a new cuisine. Miss your mom? See if she can pick you up. Need a day of outdoor peace? Hit up the Loj. Miss your best friend? Surprise visit. Whatever the hell it is, just go. Go with open arms, ignore the gnawing, dreaded FOMO and do you. College is too short to do anything but.
Bursting the bubble