Girls" is back. As her comedy continues to follow the turbulent lives of four 20-something women in New York, Lena Dunham - the show's tour de force creator, writer and star - delivers a third season with as much raw and unrefined comedic flair - and heart - as ever.
Dunham plays Hannah Horvath - a college graduate with a liberal arts degree and a desire to write - who is striving to live without support from her parents. To pay the bills and pass the time, she works at a coffee shop in Brooklyn. Her former roommate and best friend, Marnie (Allison Williams), is recuperating from a painful breakup, longing to find purpose in her life. Shoshanna (Zosia Mamet), an NYU student with a scarf collection and obsession with "Sex and the City" (1998-2004), is the group's innocent anchor. Shoshanna's cousin, Jessa (Jemima Kirke), a free-spirited, drug-addicted British Bohemian, continuously finds herself shifting from place to place