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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Top Ten | Things We Wish Were Falling From the Sky Instead of Snow

If you haven't noticed, it has been snowing a lot lately. A lot. Like a snowpocalypse or something. So the Tufts Daily Arts Department got to thinking, what would we rather have falling from the sky instead of snow? Here are our Top 10 picks:

10) Meatballs: Who wouldn't want to see their vegetarian friends in catatonic states?

9) Verizon iPhone: Awesome technology falling from the sky? We bet there's an app for that.

8) Confetti: It's as close as we'll get to Mardi Gras.

7) Not Trash: We are so sick of Ke$ha falling from the sky.

6) Piñatas: They're easier to beat to death than humans.

5) Bieber: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction: Bieber hits the ground; the ground hits Bieber, if you know what we mean.

4) Owls: They're cute, cuddly and useful night hunters. That's three times better than snow.

3) Men: They're easier to pick up than snow. Plus, then you could change the lyrics and make a hilarious play off "It's Raining Men" (1982).

2) Conversation hearts: With Valentine's Day approaching, love is in the air. But what if it were actually in the air, pelting you with the romantic reminder that "UR A QT"? Who would even need a real valentine then?

1) Not snow: Do we really need to explain this? We don't want it to snow anymore. We're sick of it.

—compiled by the Daily Arts Department