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Where you read it first | Monday, September 16, 2024

Top Ten | Things to do during the NFL lockout

The NFL and the NFL Players Association have yet to come to terms on a new collective bargaining agreement for the 2011 season, which means that a possible NFL lockout looms just a week away. While we at the Daily sincerely hope that the millionaires and billionaires work out their spat in time, we've got you covered in the event that there is no NFL in the fall. Here's how to stay busy without America's most popular sport filling your Sundays:

10. Call your grandma:  Seriously. You missed her birthday last week. She misses you.

9. Pray for a sequel to "The Replacements" (2000):  Because of the NFL's TV contract, the league is getting paid regardless next season, so don't expect a group of adorable replacements to grace NFL rosters. But will the movie gods reunite Shane Falco and the lovable Washington Sentinels for round two? And that kicker. He was wiry.

8. Join the circus:  No, not the actual circus, silly. We mean the Tufts student section, which stormed into Cousens last Saturday to electrify the gym during the men's basketball team's win over Bates. Start with pregame celebrations at your favorite frat and then head over to join the fun.

7. Adopt one of the eTrade babies:  Without a Super Bowl to advertise in, these precocious youngsters will be out of work. And if someone else has already snatched up one of these infant investors, odds are that there will still be a Cromartie on the market.

6. Play Fantasy Undergrad:  It won't replace the thrill of watching that late round fantasy NFL pick tear up the league — we love you, Peyton Hillis — but we think fantasy undergrad could be a hit. Draft a team of seven underclassmen and let the sparks fly. One point for painting the cannon, three points per Naked Quad Run, five points per unsanctioned Naked Quad Run. And 10 points for sex in your room with the roommate present.

5. Get ripped: With the extra few hours you would have spent watching football, how about going to the gym? You've been looking a little pudgy lately.

4. Learn to crochet:  We heard that this is a useful skill. Plus, you can crochet Tom Brady a beanie to cover up that bleached raccoon on top of his head.

3. Check out the MLB Playoffs:  Not that we don't already like baseball, but an NFL lockout would allow us to further embrace what is supposed to be America's Pastime. Besides, this season is shaping up to be a dandy. The possibility of watching Manny Ramirez come to the plate in a Rays uniform in October at Fenway Park has us drooling with excitement.

2. The Bachelorette: NFL Edition:  A season off from football would give more NFL players the chance to foray into reality TV, joining such stars as T.O. and Ocho Cinco on the small screen. Ideas for shows include "The Cromarties: Eight and Counting," "To Catch a Predator: With Big Ben" and the above-mentioned Bachelorette. Is Kim Kardashian busy?

1. Watch Arena Football:  Hey, it's still football, right? A watered-down version of football where playing defense is all but prohibited, but still football.  Plus the AFL features some of the most exciting team names in the history of sports. How could we not watch a tussle between the Dallas Vigilantes and the Iowa Barnstormers?