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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Friday, September 20, 2024

Campus Comment | What did you do for your Wilderness Support Staff application?

Tufts Wilderness Orientation (TWO) is known as one of Tufts' most popular programs for incoming freshmen, but trying to get on TWO's support staff is just as competitive a process, if not more so. Jumbos occasionally go to great lengths to stand out.

"It said ‘dress appropriately' on the interview sign-up sheet, so I wore business formal clothes — a button-down shirt and heels, but with my hiking backpack, and I pulled out a copy of my resume. I know that a lot of people who did TWO had such great times and were trying to have that experience again. I had a different motivation, because I did FOCUS (Freshman Orientation CommUnity Service) for my pre-orientation, so I wanted to get what I missed out on last year."
—Rose Eilenberg, freshman

"I wrote my application as an epic poem, and I baked before my interview. I made dessert nachos, which are only nachos in that they had chip-like substances. It was graham crackers, Nutella, peanut butter, chocolate chips and marshmallows."
—Carly Boxer, freshman

"I rolled around in the mud before my interview to show them how comfortable I am being dirty. I could roll around in the mud again for a photo, if you want."
—Emily Paine, freshman

"Last year, I brought a Rubik's Cube and I did it for them. It takes a lot of effort to do the most crazy things — two of my friends went in dressed as Avatars — because as much as it's about fun, safety is really the key [during TWO], so it's most important to show you're capable of maintaining some sort of diligence, and then be personable, welcoming, exciting."
—Allister Chang, sophomore