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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Thursday, September 19, 2024

TCU Judiciary member resigns

Sophomore Samujjal Purkayastha resigned from his position on the Tufts Community Union (TCU) Judiciary on Tuesday, a move that will necessitate the second special election of this semester.

Purkayastha, who served as the Judiciary's judicial advocacy chair, submitted his resignation to Judicial Affairs Officer Veronica Carter on Tuesday afternoon and it was accepted that evening, he told the Daily.

Purkayastha said "personal reasons" led to his decision, which is effective immediately. He would not elaborate on what he called "unavoidable circumstances," but he said his reasons for stepping down had nothing to do with the Judiciary or the TCU Senate.

"I definitely enjoyed working on the Judiciary and getting involved with the judicial life at Tufts" as judicial advocacy chair, Purkayastha said. "It was a great experience in that regard."

A special election to fill the vacancy will take place on Nov. 18, according to Elections Commission (ECOM) Chair Kevin Terhorst, a senior. The TCU Constitution calls for an election within 15 academic days of the resignation.

The Judiciary, comprised of seven students, is the arm of the student government that determines the constitutionality of the actions of the TCU Senate and all other student organizations. It oversees the recognition of new student groups.

Purkayastha sent an e-mail to members of the Judiciary yesterday to notify them of his decision.

"It was a complete surprise; we weren't expecting it at all," said junior Lindsay Helfman, chair of the Judiciary.

Helfman said Purkayastha will be missed on the Judiciary.

"It's sad, but he has to do what's best for him," she said.

Students interested in running to replace Purkayastha must declare their candidacies by Nov. 12, Terhorst said. A candidates' forum will be held two days before the election, he said.

"I'm sure that whoever replaces me will continue to uphold the dignity and importance — the responsibility, of being a member of the Judiciary," Purkayastha said.

ECOM is trying to determine the best way to raise turnout for the election, which Terhorst expected to be low.

"We're just trying to get as many candidates as we can for this election and as high a turnout as we can," Terhorst said.