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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Thursday, September 19, 2024


The April 2 article "Two senators consider TCU presidential run" incorrectly stated that junior Brandon Rattiner was an active member of Tufts Mountain Club. Rattiner is not, in fact, a dues-paying member of the group, but he considers himself closely linked to it.

The April 13 interview with Jacqueline Novogratz gave the wrong date on which the interview occurred. The interview actually took place on April 9.

The April 17 article "Rally goers: We will not be silenced" misstated the name of the student who at the rally chastised University President Lawrence Bacow and his chief of staff, Michael Baenen. The student was not sophomore Jennifer Kim; it was actually junior Jenny Lau. That article also misstated the name of the student who co-authored a Daily op-ed with senior Sofia Nelson. The student was not senior Jen Bailey; it was actually senior Sarah Robbins.

Yesterday's article "Rattiner: Focus on the ‘here and now'" misstated Rattiner's major. He is majoring in both political science and philosophy, not just political science.