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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Top Ten | Animal characters in movies, TV and literature

    In honor of spring — the season in which cute little baby critters are born — (allegedly) arriving in Boston, we at the Arts Department were suddenly seized with the desire to compile a list of our favorite animal characters, and the reasons why they are so awesome. Hopefully now People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) will stop chucking Molotov cocktails into our Top Secret Arts Department Animal Testing Facility, whose purpose is unknown, and whose existence we routinely deny. Still, we hardly see how setting our genetically modified attack-platypus on fire is not "ethical treatment." Finally, and without further nonsensical ado, the list:

10. Cat from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961): Let's face it: The only things you remember from that movie are the kiss in the rain, the screenshot that 70 percent of female undergrads have posters of, and Cat. That pet deserves mad props for being as recognizable as Audrey Hepburn.

9. King Kong: Perhaps the largest and most misunderstood animal on this list, the gargantuan ape enjoys long walks on the beach, climbing the Empire State Building and roaring loudly at the injustices of a society that will not let him be free. Our hearts go out to you, Mr. Kong. We'll send you that metric ton of bananas just as soon as we can raise the money.

8. Harry from "Harry and the Hendersons" (1991): Yes, this is a real movie, not just the subject of the b-plot from a recent "30 Rock" episode. Harry was the man, despite being a yeti, and was able to teach the Hendersons valuable lessons about caring and family and stuff. Bigfoot might not exist, and if he does he might not look quite like John Lithgow, but we can always dream.

7. Rob Schneider in "The Animal" (2001): This human actor gets an honorable mention for acting, rather convincingly, like a variety of animals. C'mon, the title pretty much says it all.

6. Wishbone: He is the most well-read and versatile dog actor in the history of TV. The dog is hardcore — he dressed as Sydney Carton from "A Tale of Two Cities" (1859) and the other actors couldn't tell the difference between him and the human Charles Darnay. That takes serious skill.

5. Hedwig from "Harry Potter" (1997): We would like to have a moment of silence for this amazing pet. Even though you were Avada Kedavra-ed to your doom, we will always remember you as the tiny bundle of white squawky feathers from the first book. No other owl will ever replace you. *Sniff*

4. Sassy from "Homeward Bound" (1993): She survived falling off of a waterfall and found her way back to her owners. How awesome is that? Plus the witty banter that occurred between her and that mangy mutt Chance is how we like to imagine animals talking to one another on a daily basis.

3. Air Bud: Air Bud was a dog who played basketball, and, really, what more could anyone want? Since his 1997 debut, there have been 9 sequels to "Air Bud," including one in which his children (the Buddies) go to space. That's a movie that actually exists. We truly are living the dream.

2. Moby Dick: There are not many animals as ferocious as this gigantic albino whale that consistently evades capture by a crazed Captain Ahab. Someday, the Arts section might actually read Herman Melville's classic, but for now, we prefer to espouse our beliefs on Moby Dick's metaphorical significance based solely on hearsay.

1. Chewbacca: Hopefully we're not offending anyone out there by classifying Chewy as an animal, but seriously, he's the most awesome pet ever. He can drive spaceships, knows a secret language, would probably do your physics homework for you, and he even cleans up after himself.

—compiled by the Daily Arts Department