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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Chi Omega sisters host breakfast-for-dinner event at Sound Bites

Braving the wintry weather on Sunday night, students trekked to Ball Square to have breakfast for dinner.

At their first-ever Dishes for Wishes fundraiser, Chi Omega sisters raised between $800 and $900, which will go to the local chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. They held the event at Sound Bites Café.

"We thought we did really well," Chi Omega President Alisa Brennan, a sophomore, said. "We're really happy about how it turned out."

Around 100 students turned out for the event. Tickets cost $15 for unlimited food, and sisters split the profits with Sound Bites. Some diners bought tickets at the door, while others who had already purchased an entry decided not to go because of the unpleasant combination of rain and snow.

"A lot of people that were expecting to come did not come because of the weather," junior Laura Hoguet, the sorority's community service co-chair, said.

Chi Omega sisters also raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation during their annual Swishes for Wishes basketball tournament and Midnight Pancake Sale.