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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Saturday, September 14, 2024

SigNu brothers caught with drugs; two withdraw

Editor's note: This article has been altered from its original version to correct for factual inaccuracies.

Tufts University Police Department (TUPD) officers last month apprehended three members of the Sigma New fraternity who they suspected of dealing drugs. The three faced threats of expulsion.

Sophomore Adam Koltun said he has withdrawn from Tufts. Junior Andrew O'Hara has also decided to withdraw while junior Jacob McNutt has chosen to go through the university's judicial process, according to a member of the fraternity's executive board. O'Hara and McNutt could not be reached for comment.

The charges come during troubled times for Tufts' SigNu chapter, which has been under scrutiny from its national organization after an infraction in spring 2008, when TUPD discovered a beer keg in the fraternity's house. Having the keg there violated university policy.

The member of the SigNu executive board, who requested anonymity, said that the fraternity's national organization and the university administration are looking at the current investigation as an isolated incident.

"Tufts and Nationals will understand, because they recognize we're trying to step up and improve," he said. "This came as a huge surprise."

The executive added that the bust might inhibit the fraternity's efforts to move beyond past infractions.

"This came at the exact wrong time because it came just as we were trying to get motivated," he said.

Tufts' Inter-Greek Council (IGC) pledged to work with SigNu and provide support. "It is unfortunate that we have encountered this situation, but we stand together always as a community and as a family and we will work together to ensure that this chapter and its members will be able to move on from these events and grow in a positive direction," IGC President Jacob Maccoby and Press Secretary Jessica Snow, both seniors, said in a statement to the Daily.

Koltun said he was not expecting the police to turn up at his house. "For me, it was totally out of the blue," he said.


CORRECTION: This article contained factual inaccuracies. Not all of the brothers were found in possession of narcotics. According to the Daily's most recent information, one was caught with marijuana and cocaine. Additionally, the brothers were not arrested. They did meet with Tufts University Police Department officers who were investigating the case. The Daily will continue to investigate this story and work to bring our readers the latest, most up-to-date information.