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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Gideon Jacobs | Baseball, Football and Poop Jokes

"Doling out this kind of package in prospects and money (for Santana) is not something that Epstein or Cashman believe in, philosophically."

- Buster Olney, ESPN

I love philosophies. They're fantastic. They help me conduct my life in a deliberate and thoughtful manner. "Never cheat" is a great example. Cheating on a wife or girlfriend is just not something I believe in, philosophically.

Now, I was talking to my girlfriend about my philosophy, and she asked me, "What if you could have a one-night-stand with Keira Knightley?" She may as well have offered chocolate to a puppy. She knows I love Keira, with her cute little English accent and gorgeous body.

It's not about the sex; I just want to go for long walks with her through the English countryside. After watching "Domino," I had dreams about bounty-hunting with Keira for three weeks - it scared the crap out of my roommate. But I thought about it, and as much as I wanted to say, "Yes! Take me Keira! OH KEIRA!" I automatically fell back on my philosophy and said, "No Keira. No thank you."

This is where my world turned upside-down. While I'm expecting an approving nod in agreement my girlfriend says, "Actually, I would want you to do it. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

This didn't feel right. It felt like a stupid trap. Either that or she was about to unveil that she and Brad Pitt dirtied the sheets last night. But no, she was serious, and I realized she was right. Every philosophy has exceptions.

Johan Santana is the ultimate exception. He is Keira Knightley. No, scratch that. He's Knightley, Jolie, Alba, Beyoncé and Marilyn Monroe combined into some sort of super-sexy, seductive, flame-throwing left-handed machine. While he's widely considered the game's best pitcher, most of the baseball world has not gained the perspective to realize how good he really is. Santana is smack in the middle of his prime and it's not unrealistic to say that he may go down as one of the top five or 10 pitchers in the history of the game.

If Boston were to have landed Santana, it would have been the first time in the history of baseball that the World Series was won in January. Santana, Beckett, Schilling, Dice-K, Buchholz... look at that rotation!

Imagine the top two Cy Young candidates being in the same rotation. Imagine trying to take a playoff series from Boston and having to face Santana or Beckett in four or five of seven games. With this young, talented staff, the Red Sox would be capable of starting a dynasty. They would be capable of exhibiting a level of dominance that our generation has never seen. They could have changed the game! So why did Theo Epstein let Santana fall into the Mets' lap?

Theo never wanted Santana. If he did, Santana would be negotiating a contract with the Sox today. Making this move would have been financially reckless and would have jeopardized the young foundations of this team that Epstein has worked so hard to build. In short, it wouldn't have been what some might call "smart baseball." But this time, just this time, Epstein, the smartest GM in the game, should have just said, "F-k smart baseball!" This time, too much thinking got in the way of common sense.

You play this game for a shot at history. You hope that at some point in your career, you will be presented with an opportunity to do something special. Epstein looked history, opportunity and unprecedented success in the face - and blinked. He stuck to his philosophy - and the rest of baseball breathed a sigh of relief.

Gideon Jacobs is a freshman who has not yet declared a major. He can be reached at