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The Tufts Daily
Where you read it first | Monday, January 6, 2025

Timeline: Tufts' LGBT history

Tufts Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Center celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. The center, established in 1992, has played a large role in the increasing status and acceptance of LGBT students at Tufts since then. In this timeline, the Daily looks at the growth of the LGBT community's role over the past 35 years.

1972: Tufts Gay Community (TGC) formed

1980-81: Drop-in center staffed by TGC members established in Curtis Hall

1980: "Fags must die" spray painted onto the Memorial steps; community upset that it took a week for Tufts to remove the graffiti

1981: TGC renamed to Tufts Lesbian Gay Community (TLGC)

1985: TLGC recognized as a student group to receive funding from the university

1987: Drop-in center moved to Hayes House, on Chetwynd Road

1988: First part-time coordinator hired for the TLGC

1988: TLGC adds "Bisexual" to its name, becoming TLGBC

1991: First "Coming Out Day" at Tufts

1992: Lesbian Gay Bisexual (LGB) Resource Center established on Sept. 24 in Lewis Hall basement

1997: TLGBC renamed to include Transgender; becomes TTLGBC. LGB Resource Center becomes the LGBT Resource Center.

1997: First full-time coordinator hired for LGBT Resource Center

1998: The First Safe Colleges Conference, run by the LGBT Center

1998: "Rainbow House" established in Latin Way as a housing unit for LGBT students and allies

1999: Two gay students assaulted in a "violent hate crime," according to a Daily article from that year. Two days later, 300 students attended a rally, organized by TTLGBC, condemning the assaults

2004: ResLife and the LGBT Center under Dona Yarbrough's direction develop a transgender housing policy

2005: TTLGBC renamed to Queer Straight Alliance (QSA)

2005: "Gender identity and expression" added to Tuft's anti-discrimination policy by the Board of Trustees with urging from LGBT Center

-compiled with information from the Tufts Queer History Project

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