Tufts Dance Collective (TDC, to the savvy undergrad), the largest dance group on campus, will hold its biannual show, this semester entitled Garage Sale, Saturday, Dec. 9 at 7 and 9:30 p.m. in Cohen Auditorium.
The event will showcase 18 TDC dances with special appearances from guest performers Sarabande and Turbo.
To borrow the immortal words of one Dane Cook, TDC "just wants to dance." As there are no auditions, anyone interested and present at the general interest meeting can sign up to participate in a list of dances, which fill up on a first come first serve basis.
Senior Sarah Kohnstamm, Garage Sale's co-director with senior Nick Wong, added that anyone with two semesters of TDC experience can also choreograph by presenting a song and dance idea to the TDC Executive Board. "We work really hard to allow as many people to choreograph as possible," said Kohnstamm.
The one-hour, once-a-week time commitment is extremely manageable and zero experience is necessary to join. "Most of the dances anyone can do, but there are a few more difficult ones where it would help to have a little training under your belt," said freshman dancer Emily Brown.
If variety is what you seek, Garage Sale is sure to satiate your assorted tastes. Opening with "Come on Eileen," Save Ferris' retro-cool cover, the group exudes pep and enthusiasm as the rainbow-clad dancers dazzle the audience en masse. Alternately, another group tackles Fiona Apple's "Limp" in a more subdued, jazzy fashion. Look out for hip-hop, electronica, and even some Whitney Houston in the mix as well. "We try to put together a wide range of dances so that everyone can find a type that appeals to them," said Kohnstamm.
More than anything, TDC's allure lies in sheer enjoyment. On stage, the dancers radiate energy in a way that makes you want to jump into the dance with them. The infectious combination of recognizable songs, colorful costumes, and seeing your friends dance is sure to make your night a little more exciting.
The overwhelming level of interest in TDC shows that it must be doing something right. "It's a small, doable commitment. I come back from TDC in the best mood of my week ... It's a lot of fun," said freshman dancer Hayley Marcus.
Emily Brown agreed, "For me, it's a nice break for work, to let go and know that I'll have a good time."
- Alex Leonard